i can remember when the twin towers were hit and the rest and i - TopicsExpress


i can remember when the twin towers were hit and the rest and i was in shock thought o my what we going to do thought every where in USA was under attack. just think in a matter of minutes the Towers lay on the ground crumbled i can remember hearing people going to church that hadnt in years in a matter of a month all cooled down and all went back to usual. But i will say when the Lord returns it is going to be much faster and those that are saved will go home to be forever with the Lord Jesus. but those left that are Lost will not go back to the same all will break loose on the earth. with in 7 years the anti Christ will arise in fulliness and sit in the temple in Jerusalem and have rule over the world and cause a mark to be put up them coveting to worship or not be able to buy or sell the bible says all will take the mark. when all this is happening in the middle of the 7 years the Jews will realize they have been worshiping the antichrist and call out for God and he will deliver them but those that have the mark and the false prophets and false ministers and the antichrist will receive the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of God . when God puts his anger on earth the twin towers will be a small matter Gods wrath will be more than anyone could imagine men will run and cry for the rocks to fall upon them to hid them from the face of God. death will be taken away for a time and men will want to die when the Great wrath of God is on them. he will rain down fire mingled with blood and the Sun will be so hot it will scorch men and great sores will come up on them the water will be turned to blood even the drinking water . I cant imaging the pain no water and the Sun scorching men and their tongues cleaving to the roof of their mouth, their eyes comsuming in the holes. and sores all over men. and cant die with many more things coming from God to punish men God will rain down hail about 60 or 100 lbs in weight. People dont want to change when diasters come the very thing they say first we will build back greater. men and women heart are getting more harder every years. we take for granted the Lord wont come today that this has been said for years but i am telling you he will return, when the Father says my children come home nothing can stop him from returning. And nothing can save the Lost from the wrath of God. this will happen where and what were you doing when the twin towers were hit and the pentagon and the other plane come down was you expecting it well the coming of the Lord will come for sure and the only way to escape it being born again the dead in Christ shall rise first and those that are alive and remain (saved) will called together to meet them in the air to be forever with the Lord. is he going to come as a thief in the night for you .are you looking up your redemption draweth nigh. Jesus does not Lie he will return and get his bride , it is so sad we are like in days like the days of the flood , the bible says as in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the son of man. Are you expecting him are you ready. i dont believe if you are saved you will continue to just go on willful sinning with not change if we are Christ like (Christians) then we will not be like the old man the world if we stole we steal no more. all former things are passed away and all things have become new. we walk in the spirit not the old adam nature the spirit will say no . we cant serve two masters we will love the one or hate the other we cant put new wine into old bottles .or new cloth on old cloth. we cant have Christ and the devil dwelling in the same temple. God will renew our minds , body and spirit. God will teach us with his word . Matthew did a great Job preaching tonight. if we are saved we die with him and we are raised new . our desires will change our minds will change . our hearts will be changed. We will think Jesus.not desires of the world . our desires will be for Jesus not world the pleasures . i am not saying we wont sin but we cant make it a habit to continue in sin the bible says God forbid. our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost and we should not defile it .the bible says it is not what goeth in that defileth but what cometh out that defileth the man. what comes out is what the heart is . Are you ready are you watching for his coming or will we be caught like 911 Charles,
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 03:31:09 +0000

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