i copied and pasted but this is so true... just to think about - TopicsExpress


i copied and pasted but this is so true... just to think about it... I have questions for every youth out there and I mean every youth that has brains to think for themselves; 1. How did Namibia become a country with the second most expensive property market in the World with a population of less than 3 million inhabitants but a vast land mass in fact Namibia is one of the biggest countries in Africa? 2. Can someone out there please give me a good reason why I should vote come November 28? 3. Why do we call our Politicians civil servants and yet after elections they become our masters they instead must serve us and not the other way around? 4. Who has more power? The person that seeks the vote or the person that votes? 5. Which age group is the majority in this Country? Anwer; the youth if so who is really boss when it comes to votes? 6. Did you know that our constitution states that education should be free in this country? Then why is it not free? And yet its in black and white. 7. Why is the gap between rich and poor growing? 8. Why do your rental fee increase by 10-15% every year and yet your salary does not? Conclusion casting a vote is a democratic right, so not casting one I believe is also a democratic right therefore use it wisely, the choice is in your hands my fellow young people this has nothing to do with affiliations to any Party, colour, race or anything that can blind your judgement, this has everything to do with our common problems as youth people I believe if we unite as one we can make a difference in this country. It seems as if our elders do not understand our problems because during their time education was free, accommodation was cheap land grabbing was not an issue and today they are well established, they own land and properties so their kids are well off and yet the majority are struggling due to either policies that are from the old regime that were never changed or policies they put in place to benefit and enrich themselves. Think about it, it does not matter how educated you are as a young person it is hard to own a decent property in this country and yet our parents with their minimum education and small salaries back then could atleast own a shelter to raise their children in, what went wrong today? History is the best teacher those that do not learn from it are likely to repeat it am speaking of the great Revolutions that rocked this planet due to inequqlity between the elite and the masses, Namibia is a peaceful country but a Revolution is inevitabe if nothing is done to bring equality between the have and the have nots, If you do not see this as a young person then you are living a different reality in a different Namibia but as for me and my house we need change NOW.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 06:27:54 +0000

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