i do not care about the birth of some tigers in london zoo. as a - TopicsExpress


i do not care about the birth of some tigers in london zoo. as a former employee of that institution , i say it is time to close it and all zoos. these places are prisons for beings that have committed no crime.they are taken from thier natural habitat and put in prisons in a different country with different weather so that we can look at them as if the whole purpose of thier existence is our pleasure. why do westerners have to rape everything and posses it all. why can animals not live the life ordained for them. they remind me of guatanamo bay where humans have now been subject to thesame treatment.these animals do not belong in england at all and the reason why they are endangered is because of western interference.they have killed out thier own animals and are now engaged in the distruction of others.this island used to teem with animal life but they murdered them all and only the badger is left and even they is under pressure after it was decided they should die to protect livestock from foot and mouth.i am supposed to coo at the cuteness of these unfortunate animals as if they were pets. these are magnificent animals that deserve to live a life of a tiger not a pussy. tigers are not cute they are majestic.these people remind me of a pepertual five year old going round pulling wings off butterflies. it is enough, there should be a law banning westerners from interaction with animals not born in thier country, they are far too distructive and have learned nothing from the past.they congratulate themselves for the birth of these tigers but tigers were being born long before man and they were not in danger before the white man turned up with a need for pelts and trophies and curiosities.it is true that the chinese use tiger bones to keep thier pecker up but you cannot compere that to the damage done by zoos and hunting.there must be a monatarium on western husbandery. many reasons have been advanced for the loss of a lot of earths fauna but there is an elephant in the room we do not want to discuss and that is that many of these animals were not in danger till ther european came. maybe if we separated these animals from europeans and thier entitlement attitude then maybe they will have a chance but the poacher makes a terrible game keeper. even the word game is applied to animals because killing them is a traditional european sport.the rest of the world should get together to protect thier wildlife from europeans because i believe that is the only way to save the animals of the earth. we should make films of them for europe but not allow them anywhere near our fauna untill they prove themselves able to tolorate the badger and mr fox who where here long time before the english but now find themselves under pressure for all sorts af reasons.at one time they even put black people in zoos to further humilliate us as we had not been humlliated enough already.the aboriginals are nearly extinct the native americans, the caribs, these are people that have been made extinct never mind the animals.until the premis that animals have no other function other than game for us, then it doesnt matter what we do. the tigers born in the zoo are not tigers at all but domesticated caricatures. i refuse to rejoice for the maltreatment and abuse of such magnificent beings, they do not belong in a room in london.no doubt you will come back with your facile arguments like the one that says you have to keep the benin bronzes for the good of nigerians or the elgin marbles because greece cannot look after its own treasures. as long as this european entititlement mentality remains, it is not only animals that are in danger of extiction but human kind as a whole
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:36:53 +0000

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