i have often had the rare privilege of presenting to you, the - TopicsExpress


i have often had the rare privilege of presenting to you, the president-in-waiting, and this evening is no exception - and i do so with trepidation, understanding that the messenger is not safe when he carries a bitter a message, and he fares no better when he brings words of hope and glory. yet this is a duty i must do, and i will do, for the sake of the change that must and will come in 2019. ladies and gentleman - moono generation, please receive a message from cde duma gideon boko: A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM UDC PRESIDENT It is Christmas time once again, a time to share, give and be with our families. It is a special period, not only for Christians who find occasion to celebrate the birth of their eternal redeemer, but it is also a time for people from all walks of life to cherish one another and share experiences. I wish to share experiences today, reflecting on our journey as a people, as a movement and as part of a leadership within the larger UDC family. None of tales anytime in the future will be complete without the mention of the late Gomolemo, founder secretary general of the UDC, my first running mate in the 2014 elections and indeed founding president of the Botswana Movement for Democracy. With him, we embarked on a journey that paved new paths, losing our personal freedoms so that one day all our people may find complete freedom within which they will meet their highest potential, and achieve greatness for themselves and their country. Along this journey, we shared with him the most incredible experiences, of highs and lows, celebration, sadness, joy, hope – but in it all, we always believed that, in the end, our people will succeed. Although we lost him, we have gained what many people will live an entire lifetime and not find: a friend who loved so much, shared so much of himself and laughed so hard. We were privileged to have him. Still, we must never only celebrate those departed. Some among us continue to give us much to celebrate as they carry, with much delicacy and ability, the burner bequeathed to us. All of you played a part in bringing a sense of belief back to Botswana – the belief that it is the people who hold the key to the future of the country. You played out your roles in different ways – some of you knelt and offered a prayer everyday, some canvassed from one house to another without end, some of you offered their last Pula notes, some penned down messages of hope, others planned the many activities of our party, the UDC, but the one thing we all did, and we did silently and secretly – we cast our vote for hope. The next year 2015 is a year that offers an opportunity for us to continue building the foundation for the change that is coming in 2019. This is not a season for long speeches, it is a moment to reflect and rest. It is a moment to meet family and recharge for the work that awaits us in the coming year. Celebrate responsibly, like citizens who understand that they are valued and needed. Botswana needs you to shape the future, to realize your own full potential and to make your country great. Merry Christmas. Duma Gideon Boko President, Umbrella for Democratic Change
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:55:40 +0000

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