i hear people all over the place saying we are being - TopicsExpress


i hear people all over the place saying we are being PROGRAMMED. Well yes they are correct, YET! How are THEY doing it. In a machine architecture there has to be a processor (Brain) and a method to communicate with the machine (Mouth / voice / sound) The information has to be understandable to the machine (Language) And as with the computer industry, language, it is NOT standardised (Language(s)). This planet and its people have many languages. So, HOW are they doing it? Lets look at HOW microsoft did , or are doing it. They basically pured money into it, to the point that other developers could not get a foot-hold, they speedily produced distractions (games) out-running all their competitors, (CP/M Etc) they also cornered the market in the application, in other words they segregated the USER from the industry, We use the PC and the industry use or used the mini, mainframe. The mini now a distant tech was replaced with the server but the mainframe stayed. These technologies to this day use a different language from the average user, to all in tent and purpose the servers and the mainframe are out of many peoples league, lets not concentrate on that. Suffice it to say they are talking a different language. Microsoft concentrated on the PC (Personal Computer) and piled enough money into that quarter to gain control and maintain it, to the point that many using their equipment / language cannot or are unwilling to stop using it. THAT, is what is called forced loyalty many do not even know they could change if they wished to. So, how does this relate to the programming WE are getting. Well it is simple really, and as with our computer example above the people of this country HAD a language they were using before the English language came to life. English, the replacement to our native tongue, as with the microsoft example, the language (english) was forced upon others through conflict, gaining control of other parts of the world, the only real difference with the spoken english language and a computer language is, and this is the important bit, the computer language is solid state, it has only one meaning to any command whereas the english language has many meanings (BUILT IN) to single words. This last point is evidence of CONTROL, the control is confusion, we call it under-educated, The language of choice for mass programming is the english language - No other language has the variety of words that mean multiple things, the english language is unique in that (Per Se). This is WHY you will see the english language following all the countries that are / have or are being invaded, ENGLISH will be the ONE WORLD language. NOT because it is the vanquishers tongue but because it is replete with COMMANDS, remember one word in the english language can mean many things (by design). And when i say the vanquishers tongue i mean the British, that includes the Americans too, their original language was NOT ENGLISH. So WHERE did the language of our fathers originate, Actually it was from one hamlet (TINY Village) in the british isles and from that time it has been altered and manufactured, changed and expanded for quite some time. i have NO idea how we can overcome this programming because the english language is so entrenched but it IS the Programming Method and recently it has had some radical changes to the point that it now separates the elderly from the youth, like never before in such quantity. If i am sick i am ILL, but if a youth is sick they are NOT ill but excited Sick. The people of this great nation HAVE to replace this language if they are to live in the society we live in, in order to BREAK the grip OR we have to get rid of the ruling class and continue without them creating confusion and separation - So that once again we CAN use the english language and be understood (case in point -under stand - stand under). The language we speak today is fit for purpose for a politically correct life, NOT for REAL life. But really we DO need to start teaching the language of our forefathers and pull away completely from this oppressive language. Many will follow my drift however many will dig in and hold for eternity until they are shown in graphic detail what it is i am alluding to. AND YES i am aware that some 50% of our language is constructed of other languages, the reason for this is because those words cannot be duplicated in any other way IN the English language and as such MAY form part of any NEW language we construct. One thing is for sure, though, is that the PTB are hell bent on getting the world to speak this language - come hell or high water. It certainly is NOT the language of academia, that we DO know for sure. Namaste, rev phil;
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:44:09 +0000

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