i just want to start my day by thanking our LORD JESUS CHRIST for - TopicsExpress


i just want to start my day by thanking our LORD JESUS CHRIST for giving me EVERYTHING he has given me. My heart is heavy and a tear falls everytime you all cross my mind. But, at the same time i know you all are holding my hand. April of this year our LORD came to me and spoke in my dreams. Jeremy if you dont change your ways there will be heck to pay. I knew that morning it was time to pull up my boot straps and swim. My arms were tired of tredding and so tired that i was drowning. He gave me the strength rise up and swim like i have never swam before. I never understood why we bow our heads and close our eyes to pray. Cause, to me, real respect is standing up and looking someone in the eye when you want to address them. I am saddened by our news these days. I can remember a time when the front pages of our papers stated moped rider hits curb and blows a tire but they are fine and will live another day. Now it is always who shot who, who stole from who. So, in closing, of prob the longest post i have posted, I just want to Thank everyone that has been praying for me and my family. All of our prayers have been answered and HE is risen. God Bless you all and have a blessed day.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:27:09 +0000

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