i keep hearing a message and i have heard it months ago..i have - TopicsExpress


i keep hearing a message and i have heard it months ago..i have done so much in my life for God i have all ready made him happy..i am so sorry i do not cry anymore..how can i crying is for sinners..i have repented and i know i am forgiven i know i have read my word..i know i have done my work..i know i have faith..i have not lead anyone wrong..God has told me it is not my job to talk over and over to people..he uses the people living in sin the most to preach the most because mostly they are preaching to them self..unless they are preaching on all subjects then they are truly Holy..and this is just a fact and they usually preach the same message over and over because they are preaching to them self..for a month now i have been posting hard messages about worshiping and praising and giving God thanks always i have a lot of faith in God..i know what i have prayed i know God answers my prayers always..he has not ever lied to me one time..i know God will answers my prayers now..i am way to happy to keep posting messages i am sorry i have feed you so much bread for the last three years i am deciding to take a break and spend some loving time with my Father..for i know i am written in the book of life he has told me and i 100% believe for he has never lied to me ever the Lords coming is not a sad day for me it is happy for i know i am going to Heaven..i am not sad i do not fear i dont have hate in me..in fact everything i had evil in me God took from me a long time ago there was only one thing i was missing and brother Vinbert John Dalley through the works of God has finally helped me see the whole truth..God sent so much confirmation to all the things he ever told me that i finally know..God does not lie to me and he has never lied to me ever this gives me so much peace and joy and strength for i know all that is going to happen..i tell all i have had visions..i know they will happen..either way i have been so blessed and i am so happy i will not be around for a bit i am not leaving but i am just taking time off to enjoy my Father and all my gifts i have been given..see there are gifts in the bible and i told many i found them..so many did not believe..i told many i knew the full truths ..again many did not believe i finally get it you will not ever get it..preaching Gods word to man only falls on dead ears (darkness does not comprehend light) and this is just the truth always..so i am going to draw to Father really close and just pray for all of you..but first i have many days where i must just thank him for all he has done for me for my life is not about you and it never was..i can not save you only Jesus can..only you can make that choice for your self..i have chosen correctly and now i will just go spend some time with Father..he is having many of his children do this..so if you dont see us for awhile do not panic start reading your bible you were never suppose to be lead by man anyways..God has given me so many gifts i honestly do not think there is one i have not received honestly all the years serving i was serving and just did not know it..but now i clearly do for i have been rewarded and i can tell and see it and i must say it truly is a blessing..i am so glad i never asked for money for these gifts are more blessed then anything i have ever seen in my life it is so beautiful and amazing..do you know God is teaching me the piano..he is helping me learn so quickly..i just started learning yesterday..you should see how i play all ready it is AMAZING! anyways God wants me to focus on my gifts and him for a bit..but i will return when the time is ready..i am actually being lead to make praise songs now..it is SO POWERFUL...when i come back i will be doing videos only for i just dont have anymore time to waste time it takes up so much of my time..time typing when i could be praying or worshiping i wish i could explain more to everyone but i just cant but i promise you i have done so much work in my lifetime i just do not have to preach anymore and this is just a fact all i have been doing lately is because i want to..because i love you all,,because i wished for no one to be left here because i do know God is coming..but the truth is i can not save you..only you can save you..and i do not want to lose my soul trying to save you God uses me all over and i have been told i put so much bread out i can feed many for a very long time..so he has told me to sit still while they eat and i will listen..and i will rejoice and praise just like i have been told for me the Lords day is not a sad day to me..it actually makes me rejoice greatly..finally i get to come home..please Father come quickly..in Jesus name Amen! sorry if people would know how happy i am i almost feel guilty so many of you walking around in tears and i am just as happy as can be.sorry guilt is not from the lord i do not feel it..i just rejoice i am a child of God and we are happy children always for we know the promises made and will be kept to his children the devil tried to get me to feel terrible at church when everyone ran to the altar they were all crying and hurting and i was standing there singing and rejoicing..i do not go to church to tell God sorry..i do that at home daily anytime i do wrong..or let me rephrase this is what i use to do i just am not sorry for anything anymore..and not because i am too good it is just because i have been delivered..and it just feels so good to know you are trully loved by Father..it does not make you sad..it makes you want to rejoice always..i am going to turn off facenbook for a bit so i can get my worship music running like he is guiding me to do..i tell you brothers and sisters it is truly amazing what God has planned for me and his children next..see he has said the truth would come out..and while you all cry we will worship for his coming is not a sad day to us at all so many years i have waited for this moment for this world has been evil for so long..at first i was like no God please do not do this please..but now after i see so clearly i am like go ahead and do it Lord see so many times people talk about Gods love..but no one ever talks about his harsh love..spare the rod spoil the child..i am not helping you saying prayers of protection i am hurting you when God babies you..we do not learn lessons..so i have in fact been praying God do whatever you have to do over and over until they get it but please do not kill them let these lessons in fact save them..in Jesus name save us all from our selfs before it is too late..in Jesus name Amen! and now i will be still and know that he is God and he can do mighty things..i will be silent while the spirit of the Lord is moving..again i will come back when i am told to..in the mean while i will still come on to pray and share others post..but honest to goodness for awhile my preaching is over for it is hard to keep preaching when you know you are saved and should be rejoicing..for God did not come to punish the world..but in fact that the world might be saved through him..please i hope you all find the FULL meaning of Gods love and quit let the devil lie to you..no one learns anything when only niceness is used for if we did why isnt this world fixed all ready..Jesus was nice and kind always and he did not save the world on his own..but through the full power of God and the FULL TEACHING of Gods love this world could be saved..it really just is up to him honestly it is time for me to be still and know that he is God..and i will...i said from day one i only listen to God..God is telling me to be still and enjoy him so i shall..have a blessed day in Jesus name Amen! dont worry i will not be ceasing for God uses me everywhere..and as i said i am not leaving i will just not be positing my own messages for awhile..and i wont be on face book a lot honestly..just spending time with Father which is truly a blessed thing..praise God and i love you all always..i pray you all find joy and peace no man can rob in Jesus name Amen! remember while God can be anywhere the only truly salvation comes from reading and living Gods word which is the bible..the key to eternal life is in there i pray in Jesus name each and every single one of you find it in Jesus name Amen!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:40:26 +0000

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