i know a lot of people(including myself) come on here and complain - TopicsExpress


i know a lot of people(including myself) come on here and complain about this and that,and its just a way to vent,but what I am about to say comes from the heart,if so many people are dissatisfied with comrad Obama,why isnt anybody doing anything? I mean impeachments,revolts ,whatever have to begin at some level. think people of the united states,what are we going to do,just sit back and give this pompous,communist bastard 2 more years to finish the job of running America into the ground? what does it take to get the ball rolling? get the petitions going,start the protest outside the white house gates,let the world know,that you(I will not say we here because I never voted for the communist)made a mistake and you are trying to take actions to correct it. dont just lay down and let this socialist bastard stomp you into the ground. what do you think would be going on in this country if it were 1776 again? I cant believe that everybody seems to think that one day he will just go away and everything will be fine again. WAKE UP AMERICA,WAKE UP NOW, DONT GIVE COMRAD OSCUMBAG 2 MORE YEARS TO SCREW YOU AND THE COUNTRY! lets begin the process of cleaning house, the time to stop this bastard is now
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:24:33 +0000

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