i made this vid after waking up on my recliner. after spending - TopicsExpress


i made this vid after waking up on my recliner. after spending the night on cam with you on sunday, nov 23rd. my e-hookah had arrived in the mail the following day. i was so xcited to assemble it, and make you this vid for you as i promised. using the cam that you bought me, that shows all of my imperfections >.< i even said here it tis tryin to talk like you i know you woulda laughed at me and i know you woulda said here idizzz trying to talk like me. i couldnt wait to send it to you so you could see it when you got home from work. little did i know that you would never see it. you never minded my bed head and always told me i was beautiful, even when i look like this =/ i will miss you reassuring me, when i feel and look like shit. i will hold forever the laughs we shared on sunday night. when i told you about my first time texting ona smart fone fail >.< you told me i was being funny and kissed me. when i got xcited over the walking dead you said no spoilers!! when you told me your boss wants to get a pool table! i jokingly said all you guy will need after that is a dance pole! you said who me? dance ? i said yeah you are a nutter enuff to do it and you laughed then you told me about the woman who actually made you dance... see .. i told you =) when you shared your chickin with ollie. when you spun me around on your chair to take a picture of lunas feet poking out of your wardrobe. just those litl things, fun times. missing you Kaden Knight
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:12:02 +0000

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