i never stopped loving you by orrbailey, May 26, 2010, - TopicsExpress


i never stopped loving you by orrbailey, May 26, 2010, 8:58:26 PM Literature / Prose / Fiction / Science Fiction / Short Stories a man with jet black hair walked through the loud halls of the high school and headed toward the court yard outside. once he finally left the loud halls, he sat under a tree and slowly closed his eyes, but soon heard foot steps and he opened his eyes to see a young girl his age with shoulder length pink hair and bright emerald coated eyes. hello, sasuke-kun she said as she sat beside him and gave him the warm smile that she always wore. hn he said with a small smirk across his face. sakura had been his best friend since they were six-years-old, but lately he felt a weird feeling in his stomach every time he saw her. her parents were world renoun buisness workers and were protective of their only child. he was the only boy that they let her hang around with, i mean they let her hand with her other guy friends, but he was the only one they actually trusted her with. they were always together and he had watched her turn into the most beautiful women he had ever seen, but it was their last year of high school. their last year together. he would be going to the best police training collage that his father went to. and she was going to the best medical training collage. but, she always tried to avoid the subject. he knew how much she hated being left, since her parents were barely around. so he never bought it up. so sasuke-kun, are you planing on asking anyone to the end of the year dance? she asked him. i dont know he said not really caring. the dance was supposed to be on the last day of school and you are supposed to come with a date. which ment he had to ask a girl. and he hated girls. fangirls that is. which is, like, half the school. only his friends, hinata and tenten and ino, dont prey on him like wild animals. oh come on. its our last year and you are supposed to bring a date she said as a sly smile spred across her face as she leaned a little closer to him. well, he said as he started to feel his face become hotter, there is a person i want to ask. but i dont know... he said as his voice began to give out. he saw something flash over his pink haired friends face, but it vanished as soon as it came with a small smile. well, i think you should ask her. but i have to get going. the girls wanted me to go over to inos so we could all go dress shopping, bye sasuke-kun she said as she got up and ran the direction he had heard her arrive from. as soon as she was out of sight, he mentally slapped himself. what are you doing? he asked himself. she is your best friend. you cant fall for her. and anyway, he whispered to himself, she already has someone else she likes. he sat there for a few more moments of silence, till he heard naruto run over to him. hey sasuke, so did you ask her? he asked as he sat next to his friend. w-what do you mean? he asked with a small stutter. to the dance. did you ask her yet? his annoying friend asked. w-why would i ask her? sasuke asked feeling his face get hotter. uh, because you like her...duh he said as they both got up and headed inside. ... sasuke didnt reply. if this dobe can tell, then everybody must know. well, naruto questioned trying to get all the details. i have to get going home he said as he shut his locker and walked away from his blonde haired friend and toward his black vipper his parents had bought him for his sixteenth birthday. once he reached his house, he parked his car and slowly got out and headed toward his large house doors. he slowly opened them, but as soon as the door closed her heard his mother call in her sweet voice welcome home sasuke dear. hn he said as he placed his car keys in his pocket. how was school? she asked her youngest son. okay i guess he said, not feeling like dicussing his day with her. well, thats good. oh and i want you to get ready for tonight she said as he was already halfway up the stairs. what are we doing? he asked. the harunos are coming over for dinner she said. oh great sauke thought. but what should he expect. they always had dinner together, like, once a week because their famiy was such good friends with them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sakura walked through the crowded mall with her three best girlfriends as they looked for a good dress for the dance. i dont even know why im here she thought. its not like im going with the guy i want to go with. or if im going at all.she had never really been into dresses or any girly stuff. she felt her heart beat faster as she thought of the guy she had had a crush on ever since she was ten-years- old.sasuke she thought. so, has he asked you out to the dance yet? ino asked as she looped her arm through sakuras. no she admitted. she had already told ino, hinata and tenten about her major crush on her best friend when they finally got it out of her in eighth grade. geez, he sure needs to pick up the pace tenten said as she looped her arm through sakuras other arm. w-well, maybe he just doesnt know what to say hinata said as she looped her arm through tentens arm. maybe, but lets forget about that. lets go in that store, i saw the cutest dresses there! ino squealed as she pulled the other girls into the store. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sasuke sat quietly next to sakura at his large dinning room table with both his parents at the other end of the table chatting with sakuras parents. while saukes older brother, itachi, was telling sakura how his life in collage was going. sakura sauke said itachi turned to talk to sakuras mother. you wanna come out to the garden? he asked as he got up and offered her his hand. sure she said as she reached for his hand and they walked out to his mothers beautiful garden. they walked till they reached the fountain that sat in the middle of their back yard. she sat down and sasuke soon stopped to get a look at how beautiful she looked in the sunset. she was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her mid arm and had black shorts on and a black flyaway vest with black wedge sandals and her hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail. sure is a pretty sunset sakura said as sasuke sat next to her. yeah he said. so, have you asked that girl yet? she asked coming back to the subject they had left off from at the end of school. nah, i dont think im gonna ask her he said as he looked at his feet. well, why not? she asked him. because, i dont think she likes me. and anyway, she already has someone else she likeshe said giving her a small smile. oh, so there is someone in the world who isnt in love with you?! she said pretending to be shocked. oh, shut up he said as he playfully nudged her. she laughed as they both stood up and began to walk back toward his house. so, your going alone? sakura asked. no, i wanted to know if.... he trailed off. if what? she asked. if, maybe, you wanted to go with me? he asked looking away from her so she wouldnt see the blush spreading over his face. sakura just looked at him with a shocked expression. y-you know as friends he quickly added in. sakura soon recovered from and gave him a small smile. sure, of course ill go with you as a friend she said. great he said as he opened his back door. they both then walked in silence and rejoined with the rest of the grown ups who were just finishing up their cpnversation. sakura, darling, its time to go her father said as both her parents stood up and started walking toward the door. well, i guess ill see you tommarow sakura said as she waved her thanks to itachi and his parents and gave sasuke the hug she always had since they were little. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- once sakura was home, she ran up to her room and shut her door and ran to her cell phone to quickly dial inos number. she placed the phone to her ear and listened to the ringing till she heard a voice say hello? ino, its me she said as her heart slowed from her rush up the stairs. hey, sakura. so what happened at sasukes house? she asked. well- but before she could finish ino squealed oh, before you say so, im gonna call tenten and hinata and get them on the lines she said and soon heard the sound of dialing as ino quickly dialed their two other girlfriends phone numbers. hello hinatas soft voice came through first. but before ino could answer you could hear inos voice cut in with her usual yo. hey girls. sakura is gonna tell us what happened with sasuke ino told the others. oh, really? tenten asked. so, details hinata said as they all got quiet and listened to sakura tell them the whole story. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sasuke got out of his car and walked toward the school for another day of boredom. as he walked inside, he saw all the decoration being put up for tonights dance. this was their last day of school. his last day to be with sakura, since he was heading to collage tommarow afternoon. he thought about the dance. naruto was taking hinata since they had been going out since tenth grade. shikamaru was taking ino since theyh had been friends since the third grade and had been dating since seventh grade. and neji was taking tenten since they had been friends since kindergarten and going out since ninth grade. then their was sakura, who was going with him. as a friend. he thought about his cherry blossom like friend as he headed to class and how many people had come up and asked her to go with them. she had always been popular, even in grade school she was specially like by the students, teachers, principals and the other childerns parents. he entered the class room and saw sakura talking to tenten and took his seat next to naruto. so, ready for the dance tonight? naruto asked him. sasuke let out a small grin and whispered yeah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sakura, you need to hold still ino said as she put on sakuras mascara. did you tell the guys we would meet them at the dance? hinata asked. yeah she said as she hung up her cell phone from the call she made with the boys. ino soon finished with the black mascara and moved onto the lip gloss. there she yelled in triumph. good, can we go now? sakura asked as she stood up. yeah tenten said as they headed out of sakuras room. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sasuke leaned against the wall as the other guys stood as they waited for the girls to arrive. geez, how troublesome shikamaru said as he popped a cigarett in his mouth. hn sasuke mumbled to try and get him to stop saying anything. but soon he heard the sound of a car pull up. he looked to see inos silver convertible pull up and all four girls pop out. were here! ino yelled. but all of us guys were looking at how beautiful they looked. ino was wearing a light green dress with mid arm length sleeves and it went down a few inches higher then her knees. tenten was wearing a tan dress with tanktop sleeves and a baby blue ribbon going around her waist and went to her knees. hinata had on a yellow v-neck noodle strap dress that went a little past her knees. then sakura, she looked beautiful. she had on a midnight blue sleeve-less dress that went to her mid-thighs. her hair was down and was slung over her right shoulder. her black mascara made her eyes look brighter then ever and her lip gloss mad her beautiful pink lips shine. the guys all went in with their girlfriends as i stood there and looked at her. you look, beautiful he said as he walked over and she looped her arm through his. thanks she said. they walked into the gym where the music was blaring, and as soon as they walked into the gym the song changed to a slow song which they both recognized. it was someday when i stop loving you by carrie underwood. what are the odds? that they would just happen to play our song? she said with a small laugh. ever since they were kids, anywhere they went together like the mall, movies, bookstore, ect. this song would always start playing when they entered so sakura started calling it their song. wanna dance? he asked her showing her the smile he only did around her. sure she said as she took his hand and they swayed on the dance floor with his fangirls glaring at her and her fanboys staring him down. but they didnt care. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- soon the dance came to an end and they all had to say their final good byes before they all headed to collage. their group of friends all headed to the court yeard, their special spot, where their was no one to hear their conversation. the ino and hinata started to tear up a little as the girls sadi their good byes. shikamaru and inos collages were only half an hour away from each other, neji and tenten were going to the same collage and naruo and hinatas collages were only a few blocks away from each others. sasuke and sakura were the only ones who were going to collages that would be taking a plane. hours away from each other. bye naruto sakura said as she hugged her best friend tightly. bye, sakura-chan. call me alot, okay! he said trying not to cry. of course she said with a small smile with watery eyes. bye shiakmaru she said as she hugged him. bye, pinky he said with the pet name he made up for her in eighth grade, they had been good friends since the fifth grade and whenever she needed someone to really listen to her problems, she would always go to him. so it was hard for them to say good bye after being so close(i always thought they would make the cutest bffs. but thats just my oppinion). bye jiji sakura said with a hug to neji and calling him the pet name the girls had all given him in the fourth grade. they all had been best friends since grade school. and now they were being seperated. once they all said their good byes, they all went their seperate ways. sakura was riding home with sasuke and they rode in silence. they reached her house and he walked her to the door. so, ill see you in the morning at the airport he said with a sad smile. he was leaving in the morning and she was leaving in a week. yeah she said with a small grin. see ya tommarow she said with a quick smile and she walked into her house without another word. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sasuke stood in the crowded airport with his mother, father, brother and best friend in front of him to see him off. oh honey, be careful. and call once in a while, and come and visit when you can his mother said as she hugged her youngest son. alright mom he said as she let go of him. good luck his father said as he shook his sons hand. wow, thanks sasuke thought to himself. thanks he said. hey, dont forget to come and visit me once in a while. i mean, its only an hour drive his brother said as he slapped his shoulder. heh, okay he said to his annoying older brother. but he knew he would go and visit even if he didnt want to. alrgiht, well we better be off his mother said as she kissed sasukes cheek and his father led his mother and brother out the doors of the airport. then it was just sakura and him standing alone. well, after that i dont really know what to say she said with a sad smile. yeah he said quietly. here, she said as she reached into her pocket, i want you to have this. she pulled out a necklace on a gold chain and a pink jeweled cherry blossom petal on it. he remembered how she had told him her grandmother had given it to her when she was born, but she passed away when sakura was three. he had never seen her take it off. ever. no, i cant take this he said as she clasped it around his neck. sure you can, i want you to have it. and besides, it doesnt make you look that girly she said with her sarcasim that he had grown used to over the years. sakura, i- but before he could finish, he was pulled into a tight hug and she said please, just dont forget that im here and i want you to come and see me once in a while she said as she tried to smile, but instead tears began to pour down her face as she hugged her friend tighter. but he had never minded her squeezing him. when they first me when they were five, he saw her crying on the side walk because some kids had pushed her and called her names. he soon beat up all six of the kids and walked back over to her and said stop crying, it makes you not look as pretty as when i could see you smiling. she looked at him and hugged him as tight as she could, which almost suphicated him, but he had never felt her hug him this hard. he knew she didnt want to let go and he didnt want to either. but they had to. he lightly pushed her off him and bent down a little since he was three inches taller then her. hey, come on sakura. you act like im never gonna see you again he said with a small smile as she put her hands over her eyes to cover her tears and he brushed her bangs out of her face as she whipped her tears off her face. well, how do i know you will? every time you do something, you get committed to it and never stop she said to him as more tears rolled down her face. he winced, he knew it was true but he still said oh yeah, like what? ever since we were little, you have been protecting me and making sure im okay. or when you started football, you practiced hours on end without stopping. she yelled. he stared at her with his hands placed on her upper arms by her shoulders. he looked deep into her emerald eyes and said i promise, i will come and visit you. write to you and call you he said with a smile. he stood back up again and smiled for her sake.now come on, one more hug before i have to go he said opening his arms. god, did he hate hugs. but he knew how much she loved them, especially when it had to do with him, and he didnt really mind if it was her. she slowly rose her arms and wrapped them loosely around his neck and his around her lower back. they stood there for a few moments till her heard her say sasuke, can i give you one last present? uh, sure he said as she started to let go. alright, but i need you to close your eyes she said with one of her fake smiles. okay he said as he slowly closed his eyes. sakura slowly walked up against him and put her hands on his shoulders. she stood on her toes and lightly pressed her lips against his. sasuke felt his stomach tighten and his face get hotter, but then he felt his hands go to her back and pull her closer to him. the stood there for a while until they both let go for air and she couldnt look him in the eyes. instead she looked at the ground. that guy i like, she whispered in his ear, is you. but before he could respond, she let go of him and ran out of the airport. without another word. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 YEARS LATER sasuke sat on an air plain and listened to the wind hit the plain. he was on his way back home for the first time in five years. he was now the chief of the police station, and the only reason he was leaving his post was because his high school friend, ino, called saying she and shikamaru were engaged and she wanted all our high school friends to come and visit and come to the wedding. he sat in his seat and pulled at the necklace he was given at the very air port he was about to get off at. he gave a small smile, but as soon as it came, it vanished. he hadnt kept his promise, he never visited her, called her, or wrote to her. he left her. his flight soon landed and he got off with the other crowd of travelers. once he entered the crowded airport he spotted three recognizable guys. hey, i see him naruto yelled as he nudged shikamaru and neji. hey guys sasuke said as he approached his three guy friends. hey, sasuke you look so different in the five years you HAVENT VISITED!!! naruto said as he yelled the last part. sorry, after i passed collage, things got hecktect and they sent me right into the fore. then two years later i get turned into chief he said with a small smile. oh, so we have a professional coming to the wedding and now he can even protect us neji said with a smile. well, come on. the girls are already at me and inos house shikamaru said as he nudged the other guys. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- once they reached ino and shikamarus mansion he couldnt believe it. but it soon accured to him ofcourse they have alot of money. shikamaru was a high class collage professor and ino was a famous fashion designer and owned a large line of flower shops. they walked through the back gate and walked on a stone path till they reached a wooden patio with stairs that rose at least five feet off the ground to the back door. they reached the top and he looked all around. the sunlight flooded into their backyard and made it glow. it was filled with the most beautiful flowers he had ever seen, a fountain splashing in the middle of their yard and a white gazeebo sitting in the far left cornnor. the girls are down there shikamaru said pointing to the gazeebo. they all headed toward the sound of women talking. hey, hinata naruto called waving his hands. look, the guys are here with sasuke! he heard the familiar sound of hinatas voice. he saw hinata come out first, her hair was no longer long instead it was cut strait across her shoulders. she was wearing a pale purple dress with mid arm length sleeves and a black belt around her waist which matched her black leggings and black wedge sandals. then tenten came out, her hair was held up in one big bun in the back of her head instead of two. she had on a green short sleeved v-neck shirt and white shorts that went to her knees and light green sandals. ino came out wearing a black mid arm length sleeved shirt with the shoulder cut off that showed her perfect white skin, her tight black skirt that went to her mid thighs and black high heels. then he saw her, sakura. she looked nothing like she used to. her hair was no longer shoulder length but reached her mid back and she had it slung over her left shoulder. he thought she would still be boyish, but he saw that also changed. she wore a white sleeveless top with white skinny jeans and white wedged sandals. her dark black mascara and black eye liner made her emerald eyes burst into color, and her lip gloss made her pale pink lips shine in the light. he stood there and just stared at her, while she did the same. ino and the girls seemed to get the picture and told the guys they should go inside, but the guys were as clueless as they were in high school and asked why the whole time inside. once they were gone, he dropped his bags by his feet and broke the silence, sakura... his voice trailed off. hello, sasuke she said in the beautiful angelic voice he had yearned to hear for so long. i-i, i... he still couldnt seem to find the right words or his voice. i understand she said with a small smile as she turned her gaze to the ground. before he could say more, she walked past him and headed for the big mansion where their friends waited for them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- after the girls tried on their dresses and the guys their suites and discussed more wedding stuff, it was time for everyone to go home. sakura, maybe you could sasuke a ride to his hotel since he doesnt have a car tenten said as they began to leave. sure sakura said as she dragged sasuke to her car. he put his bags in the trunk and climbed into the passenger seat. they drove in silence till she said if you want, you can stay at my appartment instead of waisting money on a hotel. he looked at her for a moment till he said sure, thanks. he watched as she drove her baby blue honda civic hybrid sedan. she was staying oddly quiet, especially since she had always been a human chatter box ever since he had known her. he wished she would say something. sakrua, i- he started but she soon said in a sad but calm like voice why didnt you call? she asked. ..... he didnt know how he was supposed to answer to that. but she went on. why didnt you visit or write? she asked as she stopped at a red light and turned her hurt and accusing gaze on him. because i was... he stopped himself. he couldnt and didnt know how to explain to her. explain how he was scared to love her and tell her how he felt. because you what?! she yelled at him as she stopped her car in the driveway of her apartment building and pulled her car to a stop to point her tear filled eyes at him. what could have been so bad to have kept you away?huh!what?! he felt his heart stop, he hated to see her like that. just hated it. but he didnt know how to explain to her. she turned her head down so her hair was covering his view of her face as she whipped her tears from her eyes and whispered come on, lets get inside. they both got out of her car and went inside her apartment. she unlocked the door and let him into her house. he looked around, she had a good medium sized kitchen with stainless steal appliences. her whole apartment was a rainbow of colors. she had a couch in her living room and had a nice flat screen t.v. then one bathroom and two bedrooms. youll be staying in this room sakura said quietly as she opened one of the bedroom doors. sakura- he started to say but she turned and started walking to the door across from his and said you can stay here as long as you need to. but dont try to fix something if your not willing to explain how it happened. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the wedding went well, shikamaru and ino were now on their honey moon. now, he was at the air port waiting for his plane to arrive. he had already said good bye to everyone and now he sat in the crowded air port.alone. he sat there thinking. about her. her smile, her eyes, her laugh. and how much he loved her. then it hit him, he felt like half of him was missing without her and he felt empty. he bolted right up and rushed for the air port doors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- he parked his rental car and shut the door and ran for the hospital doors. sakura had become one of the best doctors in the country, and her shift was about to end. he ran through the glass doors and ran through the halls till he saw her. he walked toward her and she soon spotted him. sasuke, what are you do- but she was cut off by sasuke grabbing her upper arm and his other hand through her long hair as he placed his lips against hers. once they pulled apart, he looked her in the eyes and said the reason why i didnt talk to you for all these years was because i was...afraid. i had never let my feelings or emotions ever take hold of me and i didnt know how i was supposed to show you that i loved you. she looked ,shocked, into his eyes. and i do, he said, i do love you. her eyes began to water as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as she said i love you, too. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sasuke woke up the next morning, he found a sleeping, naked, sakura entangled in her bed sheets with his arms around her. he smiled and placed his lips against the back of her neck and whispered i never stopped loving you.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:31:36 +0000

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