i said a few word about how we are trick by those ppl on the hill - TopicsExpress


i said a few word about how we are trick by those ppl on the hill who keep us mad at one another about moving up in this country and i told how those ppl on the hill are doing it and they took what i said off of this comment page and that is because the powers that be only want ppl mad at each other about wht color any one is and just tell me how smart is that while we are fighting about why one hate the other those ppl on the hill are making more laws to take our money and make us think it is us that it is mr black or mr white who is the blame for the jobs leaveing the U.S. well my fello american it is not us it is those ppl on the hill who we vote for are the ones who are destorying our country if they would have put a stop to all of this racism when black ppl march for their right back in the 1960 we would not have all of this racism see most ppl dont understand that Fed goverment and State goverment are not the same and that State Gov does not have to go by what the Fed Gov say is law but there is one thing that the Fed could of done back then was to stop funding those criminal State that did not follow human rights laws but in truth they really did not care why because america was first started off by prison colony they change our history book to fool us and i mean all of us not just black ppl but white ppl to when England let her ppl come here they were prisoner and with a trick of the pin they became pilrilgm oh they were looking for freedom but they were still under England rule for new colony in america but the ppl that were here wanted their real freedom so they came up with a plan and they turn on England and a war came about now the great nation England may some changes that made it look like they lost the war but through the bank of england america could get all of the money she needed to run as a goverment but some president did not like those ideal and america made it own money but one again we were sold out by greed ppl on the hill who sold american to the banks of europe and they join the world bank and we became they property which is the birth certificate which how the bankown us we are a comodity on the stock on wall street market which the world bank loan our goverment money to use because we are the comodity that they use for collateral and that is one of the reason why they keep poor white ppl mad at black ppl and most ppl think it is about skin color it is not it is to keep us from looking at them the real criminal i just wish all of yall smart ppl would really be smart and stop hateing ppl who cant hurt you poor ppl cant take your house but the banks can poor ppl cant put you in jail but those ppl on the hill can i wish we could really see pass the dumb thing like color of my eyes or the color of my skin now that is dumbnow if that has been us well we can change and do better every last one of us white and black and make our country america the best and great is country that ever was and is but we have to come together and make those ppl on the hill change all of those bad laws they are writing right now like going to war in country that dont have anything to do with us and if those criminal who want to keep helping criminal make wars then they have to go i want them to help american first and after we are living good in america black and white ppl here in america well maybe if those country dont have crazy ppl ruling those country we can help them but sending our boy to die for crazy ppl no more and one more thing no more making those ppl on the hill rich it is time to cut their pay they dont even want to pay the ppl who pay they salary the minimum wage so i we the ppl need to ok all of the law that the ppl on the hill write for now on now i know that they are going to take this off of this comment page cause they really dont want the american ppl to think and see what is goiing on i just hope some one can read this it not about color that just a trick to keep us blind and for ppl who need the real GOD in their lives the real GOD is LOVE not hate peace be to all
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:27:09 +0000

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