i thought but little of this statement after watching the other - TopicsExpress


i thought but little of this statement after watching the other video about muslims the guy said you cant be a jew and a christian at the same time in one angle he is right in a second angle he wrong because all things have more than one side there are good christians and there are bad christians just as the word j.e.w some Judge Everything Wiseily and some judge evily wrongfull but a good jew could also understand a good christian and likewise a good muslim would understand the ability of finding the good jewish christians are able to be such and following the laws where thou shall not kill steal or bring harm on others but to love thy neighbor so realy whatever this thing about cutting off hands is trying to say in place of god its just wrong and violates the ten comands and while some things are only meant to be taken poeticly and for its litteral value meaning its a word to play with and use for goodness but ignorence takes things of poetics and makes them worse by being too serious both paranoyed and blindily set to force what it appears to say while they know nothing beyond the surface apearence its kinda like stars wars where the father of the good son pretends to be dark and evil to know what the wrongfull are planing and when the son rises finds his father on the dark side the father basicly teaches the student that the rules of a fight are never fair but a little cheating makes way for the sucess against wrongfullness ,,,,,but heres another veiw one day there was a kid who was a beleiver in god and loved his cross but since he wore the cross he was not accepted by the gothic grunge and witch crafters he then denounced the cross in appearance and still loved god he dressed alike and was accepted to discovering their words and being so wise he broke them down and reguided the others to realize they did not mean a litteraly straight mean or harmfull thing like theology connected to Atheist the terms that also apply to theous aka dios aka god says nothing about atheism being against god until one said the atheist they knew didnt suport gods words just like one group of christians who hears one speaker of another christian house and then says im not a christian anymore cuz they dont say everything like god would yet so many atheist do beleive in god,yet because they beleive they doubt any other speaker claiming to know and why because they want proof they want to know they want to meet and they want to ask questions just like witch craft originated as wittness of the whiches hince wit+ch some accused wrongily and hurt for bizare studies some brave to study beyond the rules to end the major sufferings of more,some even worse evils blamed on witches to make them appear worse while many were only the first scientist and medical students that had to find a cure more than saying fall down wall fall down wall with no results point is there are many religeons that begin with good intents until the ideots come along and change the whole concept of gods main features they take serous the words of poetics as straightily blind of gods poetical abilities to play with viare or coreupt and they seem to hate the talking snake and love a ghost and the which is which one could have been a bad guy who dead still tried to make good children missledd and the talking snake?i never heard any where that evil could create such a thing but god could my point being maybe it looks wrong and maybe you dont quite see it as boldily as before the darth vaider ended up helping his son the christian in goth apearal reguided the freinds to understand their own foundings and even showed the atheist your own name dont fit as negative to god and the terms about cutting of hands is not likely to be taken litteraly as factualy removeing the hands but in a sense that they are taught and their body not destroyed or damaged but a follower without any sense would take old words beyond the true intended context and abuse the very laws that are above the game playing words the knights templer also apearently denounced the cross to be able to infiltrate into non christian places,just like old soldiers that were taught to hide all their personal informations from wrongfull interogators all those said ok and thereby acheived a better changeing and saveing of people because the symbols were not seen for a moment it does not mean god does not exhist and sometimes the best way for a charactor to complete his suprise is to be able to step off the stade a moment and set up the secret approach giveing the show the much greater reward to finding the sucess so what if you did meet god and he was so cool yall could be laughin and cussin up a storm together talkin about all the cool crap and the shit he made just to make your life a little more comforting much respect for that kinda awesome relationship where you dont get abused over a hollo spoken word cuz it has no true anger to it, yet question maybe like how did it ever become seen as direspect when a father and son can jokeably call each other names and have no trouble to suddenly some other person saying they cant do that one another,but i thought a while longer and figured i would share it anyway not to boast it or flaunt and neither to hide god away cuz i couldnt possibly do that but i generaly just live and trust that he knows and i dont wana get into the paranoya veiws about it which would only make me stumble in worry but i do love my lord god i got alota questions and then again somethings i might not need to know but to respect and be happy and simple and try not to flaunt or boast too much cuz even though you dont see a symbol even that was in the ten comands concerning the graven images idles and such the very flag that the bad guy carries was spose to represent good the very person that the blindly guided are fooled into aleagance with because he or she claimed to be of the same it would be like demons puting on halos pretending to be angels and then starwars gets twisted were luke goes to the darkside and does his best to defend and block the wrongfull deeds and reprograming the robots and the illusionary spell dispelled a whole ilussionary world testing the student jet i while there is trueily only one supreme emporoar and most likely the coohlest being exhistant fanatticly bizare thinkers dont understand the movies and acts are pretentious play to make ya think contemplayte and reacognize a moment you done something great as good as an angel watching a movie haveing done nothing wrong but explanation teaches so much when touching the heart things cheerished so much more than the obusers and a love so much deeper than a symbol as deeds done without boasting or need of proof but for myself that i am and i did something good and i am the one who knows and carries the memories my own smile and relaxed comfort in knowing myself that i can smile for whatever good i do so nawe dont need to send it to everybody in my address group and i dont need to act like a paranoide preacher thinkin nobody has heard gods message up there ranting and raven on verses that create fear of the end time revelation stuff when they dont even understand the blowing winds or how to stand on the water and just trust in gods power to thank god blink a verse to remember and eat the meal that was made by the good ways to simply eat sleep crap wash work with food love somebody and trust god even if suddenly hes going by billy or joe or something else the wrongfull cant copy cuz they cant figure out how to steal his place or uniform so i guess im sowing trust and sowing a non worry attitude and alota understanding to dispell alot of illusions ive taken a little and i left alot for whoever might need words they didnt know before but with a tired,bored and yet understanding thought i do gratefully give a smirking unrude smile thoughtless of being wrong for just being happy with somebody being cool and nothing expectant but hey no troubles but whatevers realy good is coohl with me so ok:)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 09:59:31 +0000

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