“i will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my - TopicsExpress


“i will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help? my help cometh from the lord, the lord who made heaven and earth. he said he will not suffer my foot, my foot to be moved, the lord who keepeth me, he will not slumber nor sleep. for the lord is my keeper the lord is my shield……. upon my right hand, upon my right hand! for the sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night, he will preserve my soul, even forever more. my help, my help…………………………..my help! all of mine help cometh from the Lord” she looked at the sky, the tears running down her beautiful face. all of mine help cometh from the lord, she kept on muttering under her breath, she willed herself to believe it, she willed her troubled heart to be still. all of mine help cometh from the lord! she muttered it over and over again and still, her heart was finding it hard to believe. she walked towards the bridge and looked down at the water below. it flowed on oblivious to the ache in her troubled heart. she looked around her. the green grass remained green, the tall tree remained tall, the fat man remained fat. the bridge remained solid and people kept moving about their businesses, nothing had changed, nobody cared. she thought he said he had loved her with an everlasting love, maybe she had dreamt it all, ,maybe she had imagined that he spoke to her- for now, she was alone in this grief, alone in this misery. where was he n0ow? where was he? she looked up at the gathering clouds again, almost convinced that he would answer from behind the clouds as he had done for moses, God where are you? the silence replied her. she felt used. had he not said he would be with her in anything? had he not said he formed her in her mothers womb? why did he leave her to suffer alone now? why did things happen the way they did? she looked at her beautiful fair curvy body. the body that had made the guys trip, that had made even some girls jealous, and she hated it, she couldnt stand it anymore. she wished that there was some way that she could separate her body from her, but how was that possible when her body made her? god! oh God oh God! where are you! God why? i served you with everything i possessed and yet you let this happen to me! i gave my life to you and did my best to satisfy you and now you chastise me so! its not fair, she screamed at the darkness that was now closing in around her. what had she done wrong? where was God now? she screamed again GOD! WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU MOST? DO YOU EVEN EXIST? everybody gets to this point! that point when it feels like you are alone that point when you feel used that point when you feel like God has locked up shop and left you to wander in the dark that point when nothing is working out that point when any step you take loooks like the way to death we all get to these points. as long as the world is the world and humans are humans, we will face challenges. challenges that will make us feel like the end of the world has arrived. and at that point, even the people around you cannot or simply out rightly refuse to come to your aid. life has a way of hitting us square in the face when we are least prepared. but the saying goes thus WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THEN THE TOUGH GETS GOING AND WHEN THE ROAD BECOMES ROCKY, THEN THE ROCK BECOMES YOUR ONLY CHOICE imagine you are on an island and suddenly there is a huge tsunami or volcanic eruption and there are two things in sight, a massive rock and a small tent, where would you run to for help? the tent could be the closest to you and a temporary place of respite the tent could be inhabited by many others the rock always seems to be farther than the tent the rock appears harder to reach and climb BUT IF that volcano gets to the tent, it will melt it into unrecognisable pieces, if the tsunami reaches the tent, it will sweep it away! and in the long run, all that have run into the tent will lose their lives. as long as you are on the rock however, you will live! you might be lonely, but you will live, you might be hungry and thirsty and your clothes might be torn into pieces, but you will live! why not run to the rock???????????????????????? many people love to live a good and simple life without no worries whatsoever, but it is all futility. futility of the highest order. human nature will always run into trouble and the flesh will rot, even the blood can be spilled but the rock, there is such a mystery about the rock! you chip off a part of it and it forms again. hold onto this rock and you will get by! my rock is Jesus! he keeps me sane even though i go through so many tough and helpless situations. want to know him? pick up a bible. john 3:1-end
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 11:58:47 +0000

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