i wonder how can anyone hate this man? The combative election - TopicsExpress


i wonder how can anyone hate this man? The combative election campaigner is gone! In his place stands a tall leader, a statesman who can generate ideas, inspire people, and yet, retain that core of essentially Indian values. This speech is a roadmap of what PM Modi wants to do, and the metaphor he uses, of the flag colours, is so simple and yet, so effective. please make sure that you spend few minutes listening to him. Summary of the Speech: Fundamental problem is that think tank concept has stagnated, as a result there is no intellectual input in govt. policies. Secondly, in most developed economies, universities play an important role in policy decision. This has never happened in India. When we talk of infrastructure, we limit ourselves to conventional infrastructure like roads, airports, railways, when are we going to think out of the box, and think of I-ways, as well as highways? We have never considered urban development as our priority, we have always considered it as an unwelcome challenge, and not as an opportunity. The green in our flag should stand for green revolution. Land supply is shrinking, so we now have to focus on productivity. There has been almost no research on pulses in the last 30 years. We need to encourage research to increase protein content in pulses, because pulses form the staple food of most people in India. The white in our flag should stand for the ‘White Revolution’. Even though we have the largest no of cattle, milk productivity is very low. Saffron is the colour of energy. We need to work toward self-sufficiency in energy generation. The key is to find the right balance between energy production and environmental issues like global warming. We should explore renewable sources of energy like solar energy. The blue in the Ashok Chakra stands for the blue of oceans, of water, of fisheries. We are heading towards a water crisis. We need to follow the principle, ‘one drop, per crop’, and focus on micro irrigation, raising crops using less water. 65% of our population is below 35. We need to focus on skills development. The world needs teachers. Can India provide the world with trained teachers? A businessman can earn dollars, but a teacher can change the minds of an entire generation! If we want to compete with China, we need to focus on three areas, skill, scale, speed! We think small. We need to break out of established patterns of thought.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 04:44:30 +0000

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