i wonder… how is it that we have come so far when so many seem - TopicsExpress


i wonder… how is it that we have come so far when so many seem resistant to change. and i dont mean anything political, that is a whole other game so to speak… what i mean is… when a disaster happens, many people, those who survive, pick up the pieces and carry on and rebuild… yet there are many who have been hit multiple times and each time loos more of what they own and are hurt even more by what they could have prevented… the Weather… the weather is our environment, we live on the surface of a raging planet, and yet, as Humans we are characterized by our unique ability to adapt and to create around ourselves shelters. these shelters at the moment are mostly of wood, or brick. we know that even steel buildings can be destroyed, and yet there is one ingredient that is missing… Concrete… i dont have to explain every detail here, Ive done it before and you can find it by looking up Monolithic Dome… that is not just a House, but it can be a Home, or any other useful building one can think of. why is it, in these times of massive media coverage of natural disasters, do people not Clamor for something Better… well of course, cost comes into the equation at this point, not every one could afford to tear up their current house and rebuild from scratch… yet for those who loose a house and rebuild, the options are limitless… not only are monolithic domes strong and energy efficient, they cost not much more than any conventional structure of equal size and perhaps a bit less per Square foot in some cases… not only that, but the savings in energy cost and maintenance (which could be minimal) would allow they building to pay for itself in a Fraction of the time its whole Value… coupled with a Vertically Oriented Wind Turbine (which has been tested and installed by Monolithic Domes Institute at their home location but can be tied into the Grid and help pay for the total cost, as well as supplement the total cost of the whole project… considering the rising cost of just about Everything, spending just a little bit more to save Much more in a short (15-20 years in some cases) is a bargain… now, as to looks… well people, Humans especially have a tendency to be Biased against anything that goes against their vanity, and this includes their House… while i can not say that this is a bad thing, i do think that the benefits of changing perceptions of a Nice House would be to benefit long term civilization, in that in changing what is considered a Conventional House (the new convention being monolithic) people would lead much different lives. perhaps however people simply wont change… well if our Ancestors never left the caves, they would have totally died out and Humans may not be the dominant specie on this planet… besides this, Change is what helps humans to survive. if nothing changed then humanity would stagnate and become either quite boring, or extremely chaotic. take for instance this thought… say you sit in a chair for a whole day, staring out the window, except that this window is painted black and is featureless… eventually you may fall asleep out of boredom. yet what if outside that window was an very exciting event happening, and while sitting in that chair doing nothing the paint on the window was suddenly removed allowing you to see through the the excitement beyond. if we could fly through that window and explore that exciting event we would no longer be bored… in the same way that cookie cutter houses are boring, so to is a house that could be destroyed. after some time of having to rebuild one would think a survivor would get bored of having to rebuild, but what if they never had to rebuild ever again, or at least not to the extent of an entire house or building… what if they where afraid of a storm but could not move for some reason, yet they could build anything they wanted where they lived… the choice is, conventional, or radical… perhaps it is because people are also afraid of being the white hair on a head of black locks that would be most likely to be covered up or plucked than appreciated as a right of passage or a sign of Wisdom in old age. that is what the monolithic dome is to most people… they would rather not see anything different in their community of Sameness and supposed Order… yes as we know, a tornado can make chaos out of even the best of towns and end the lives of many… is it the fault of the people for not being able to get to safety when bad weather comes? perhaps a little… but we know, that No amount of forewarning can replace the virtue of a proper shelter… and if that shelter is your Home, than what better case can their be for going Round… think of this also… what is a Perfect shape… it is the Sphere. at not point on a Sphere can one say, this is the beginning of this sphere, and this is the end of this sphere. a sphere has no beginning and no end. it is an illusion of eternity, yet the shape itself lends strength to many things in Nature… think… what would we do with square eggs? and why is the egg not square? the reason, is that of a Logical Choice, by what ever means of creation you decide is the truth. the fact is, that an egg, having such a thin shell is extremely strong for the material in which it consists… while an egg is not a perfect sphere, it is the shape still that gives it strength. Logic shows, and is backed up by scientific experiment, that a certain volume of Air traveling as a certain Speed at a Flat surface or a Curved surface, that the air exerts more Force on the flat surface due to the lack of aerodynamic properties on such a surface… not only is the rounded shape of a sphere or dome an ideal shape, it takes very much less Materials to make a strong dome shaped barrier as opposed to the same material in a flat surface as a Wall… not only is a box weak at the corners if pushed from one edge, but you can push at just about any point in a sphere or a dome in this case and it would yield most probably not at all, where in a box the shape would warp and further weaken until the structure fell flat upon itself… in a typical House we often hear that the Roof is the first part to fail in a tornado or other wind event. the reason is, while the roof may or may not be tied to the walls adequately or not, and the walls to the foundation, the wind blowing into the Eve of the roof is trapped, and the harder the wind blows the higher the pressure and force that is exerted there until total failure of the roof, and subsequent lifting off of the roof. once the roof has lost contact to the walls, the walls are now capable of failing as well. even in well built brick and steal houses, we know that brick while it is a solid object had weak bonds to the rest of the bricks, and shaking and the mortar between the bricks will fail causing eventual collapse. once the walls of a brick and steal house fail the steal beams will be enacted by the wind and will warp quite readily in the violent forces of a tornado… steal is complimented by Concrete in that the steal gives lateral strength to the concrete while the concrete gives better resistance to bending forces. so just as in the way a compound bow uses two types of wood for its power, one wood better in compression, and the other in reflex, they compliment each other and lend great strength to the over all object. in a monolithic dome the rebar is encased in concrete and as the shape is Singular and has no joints it becomes a single Shell that with its shape, being lent strength by the properties of steal and concrete, is a structure of Magnificent proportions (and not necessarily in Size of course, but in strength) just as the Earth and most planets are basically Spheres which some slight variation due to geological processes, oceans etc, one could attribute this shape to the force of Gravity. a we know (as far as we know that is) gravity is a Force, upon which all objects unless acted upon by an outside force with stay stuck to the surface of the planet. this Force what ever mechanism that causes it, pulls loose objects to the center of the planet. now however Gravity is generated, weather it is a force of Magnetism, or a force of Kinetic Mass, i dont think anyone really knows, and many very complex theories and equations try to describe such concepts in ways even i dont quite grasp… however, i can say that for all we know, we are only describing in mathematics the effect that we can See of Gravity, not necessarily the mechanism that Drives gravity… i do think however that gravity is linked closely with the sphere, in that as a Force with is literally Attractive, as matter begins to pile up upon a body in space the forces that cause the heating and movement of the molten material Naturally congregate in a Sphere, as this is the most common mechanism in which this universe is driven… this lends to the fact that most objects in space move or act in Non-linear directions or in curving or cyclical paths. in a sense, if you held a small stick, (representing a star) with a ball on the end which you twirled about in a cycle above your head, this represents the orbit of the planet around the star. the rotational movement is pulling the sting tight, this represents the Mass of the planet trying to escape the gravitational pull of the star around which it orbits. at well, the string also represents the Restricting force which keeps the planet (ball) from escaping its influence. if for instance you simply throw the ball in a line without the force of Gravity, the ball would fly in a relatively straight line (this without the effect of Gravity) if Gravity then pulled the planet back to the star it came from the planet would simply be pulled right into the fiery depths of the star and be destroyed. however, Because of Gravity a planet can never really leave the influence of the Star and is drawn back around the star. these forces cause the planet to rotate around the star, though often never in a perfect orbit, but more often and Elliptical orbit… also, as is the case with the Solar System most planets with perhaps one or two exceptions orbit within a single Plane within space meaning they all follow similar orbital Paths. i can not explain why they would all be in the same plane, however, the Solar System in a small way (a very small way) mimics the action of most Galaxies, in that all of the objects within a Galaxy orbit about a galactic center. this is the case with most galaxies as far as we know. with this the case it stands to reason that the possibility for the Physical Universe itself to be Spherical in nature is quite possible, however we may not ever be able to See this, due to our Technological Limitations and true understanding of the universe as a whole. it is possible that what we can See of the universe is itself but a small Fraction of the perhaps nearly infinite expanse of the universe itself, and we are unable to See because of the fact that we can not see Behind objects, and so vast parts of space are literally Blocked form our View… if it was possible to See far enough, we may be surprised by how Littler we know of our universe, and how Big it may truly be… this also brings to question the Age of the universe, as this conjecture is based only upon what we Can see, but not on what may Actually be Present in the universe. now aside from the Universe and the solar system is the matter of Matter… matter as we can assume is structured using atoms. atoms have small particles that make up each atom called sub-atomic particles… we can Assume that an atom is arranged in a Sphere with the protons and Neutrons arranged in whatever formation they do, with the Electrons orbiting around the Atomic Nucleus just as the Planets orbit around the Sun or any other star. this pattern of circular nature seems quite common, and lends also to the Golden Spiral, which is a mathematical curving shape, and can be seen in many objects such as the shells of many species of sea dwelling creatures and some land dwelling creatures. also the Proportion of the change of the curvature is constant with the mathematical layout of, for instance the Human Body. Biological entities have bodies that with through DNA are structured and function within an Ecosystem. the Human body in particular… our DNA is the Code which not only gives us our physical looks or structure, but also codes through the developmental stages of life as well as perhaps gives some clues as to the degenerative stages of life, though finding an actual sign of the Length of an individuals life span is at the moment perhaps impossible. DNA gives information to the developing body before birth to create all the organs that help to regulate all the other functions of the body itself. the Bones give our bodies structure, they control and give rise to the Physical shape of the Human body as a basis upon which the rest of the body can move and interact with its environment. bones are the Anchor so to speak, of the entire Human Body. our muscles attach to the bones via ligaments which control the actions of the bones and allow us to move our fingers, toes, legs, arms, head, etc… our muscles are controlled via electrical signals from our brain, itself which is our Seat of Intelligence, creativity, the Home of Who we Are. the brain is where for those who be leave in it, the Soul would reside. in any case, the lungs get oxygen through the mouth with muscle movements that can be involuntary or automatic or voluntary and controlled. the oxygen is absorbed by the blood and pumped via the heart through the entire body. Nutrients and energy are obtained by food taken by the mouth into the digestive system, where the blood once again transports the energy and nutrients to every part of the body, where it is needed… waste is of course (we all know this part so i wont say so lol) the energy and Nutrients are used by Every single cell within the body to reproduce and replicate. and DNA is as much a part of this process as it could be. not only does DNA use gained nutrients to split and replicate within each individual cell, but it also gives instructions to each cell for the very purpose of perpetuating this process. and all this from a complex yet in some way Simple 4 chemical system. to think of all the various combinations and variations that DNA is capable of with only 4 chemicals in which to do so, is in essence astounding. and to think that Humans could be able to manipulate this Very complex system without Vastly altering an organisms body is greatly underestimated in the extreme. scientists are unable to understand the reasons why some Cancers are caused, and yet some are meddling in a process more ancient tan any of them could even guess, and even their wildest guess would still be way off the mark. the biological body and the ecosystem which exists on this planet alone are so vast and so carefully balanced that just ONE mistake could send the entire ecosystem into a genetic apocalypse which would be Impossible to recover from. for instance, perhaps one unscrupulous meddler in the genetic code installed a random unknown gene into a plant and it got out into the world and rapidly spread with no natural diseases that could cull it… not only that but that gene could cause that plant to be toxic to humans of cattle causing widespread illness and death. lets say that the cattle industry was destroyed by this plant. that means no more Beef. or leather for a great many years if ever more. what if this plant had also a tendency to be like the Kudzu in the south but it was also like poison ivy except deadly instead of just making a rash that itched. not only that but what if it choked out all agriculture… that means the source of food would be gone, and Humans would most likely starve because of just One simple meddle in the Genetic code… thats a worst case scenario, but it just goes to show how Vastly unscrupulous genetic modification Could be if used without knowing Exactly what effect the meddling would cause… anyways, Ive been thinking about these things for some time, figured i would share them, because quite frankly Im getting very tired of hearing the Woes of this planet, both by natured fury, and Humanities Folly… there are good things here, but all too often a good thing goes wrong and those who would do harm find a way to carry it out… i dont know if it is greed that controls the minds of Humanity, or if it is the Fear of the unknown. what i do know, is that most suffering can be avoided if only people would look at what they do, not just for themselves, but for the entire planet, all of humanity and every Soul that exists in this universe, because there are a great many people who should be very embarrassed to have acted the way they do to others, or to deny Truth to line their own pockets at the expense of others. i do not pretend to understand what drives those in power to cause suffering and harm, not only to those they wage War against, for any reason, weather to topple a Tyrant, or to secure their own Peace, what ever the reasons for the suffering of the world they are problems we have caused ourselves, or by Nature, or by our lack or knowing. weather by our Denial of the Truth, or our unwillingness to Face our own failings, or to risk ourselves for what is Right, this civilization has come to a turning point. where either we stand and proclaim whats right for ourselves, or we submit to insanity and are destroyed by the very people we are lead to believe with help us. if we can not Help ourselves, then those who would take our rights will Help themselves at Our expense...
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 21:28:31 +0000

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