i wonder who came up with the name status to enable posting on fb. - TopicsExpress


i wonder who came up with the name status to enable posting on fb. It must have been related to the same right brained genius who came up with the people name for the icon on motorola phones, to replace contacts that must have had a license fee or copywrite restriction. Now that i know how to post on my own fb wall i will be a little more active and not just posting as a commentor. I am not sure who gets to see my fb posts and i apologize in advance if I offend you. Like the pope, who am i to judge. I do not intentionally judge anything. On the other hand, i assess, evaluate and comment. I am a liberal and independant thinker who determines what is right and wrong based on facts and science and not mystical beliefs, the law of moses and solomon or any other religious theology or political affiliation. I voted for democrats and republicans over the years although I have not voted any R candidate for anything for the last 20 years or so. Any candidate supporting the R label and conservative ideology is simply not good for america, liberty or freedom. I am a gambler who understands the odds and probabilities, so there are no absolutes, just probable outcomes. Like Plato suggested, I seek the mean. With two dice seven is the most likely outcome. The distribution of other results can be calculated, but the results of a single thow is an independant event and not a certainty. While not throwing the dice is an theological religious option to produce zero, 1 and fractions of whole numbers are not possible, regaudless of your mystical religious beliefs in rapture for the good guys or the end of times for everyone else. Inserting these theological concepts into any analysis of outcomes or future governance policies produces strange behavior and concepts that i do not judge. I just dismiss them as irrational. I do not know how you got on my wall but you do not have to agree with my thoughts or conclusions to read them. I only discuss the facts and analysis and be aware, I am not seeking to covert you or persuade you. I am also not an evangelical prostelitizer trying to support you or sell you and please, do not think I am ever going to be converted into being a conservative, so do not try to convert me or use my wall for your propaganda. I like to tell people the old saw that sucess is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get. I happen to be one of the most successful people on the planet and hope you, your family and friends are as well. From my perspective, I want my children to have more success and happiness then I had. Conservatives and the maintain the status quo seem to be the only obstical standing in the way of my success and happiness. amen
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:03:36 +0000

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