iOS 7 Development Training - 81 Hours - Only : 1800LE Course - TopicsExpress


iOS 7 Development Training - 81 Hours - Only : 1800LE Course Outline :- All students will learn to: Understand iOS application development architecture Gain familiarity with Xcode 5.0 and other Apple development tools Learn proper use of techniques and patterns in Objective-C Design app UIs using storyboards Explore techniques for custom drawing and animation Store data locally using Core Data and SQLite Build apps that communicate with web services Learn about iOS security services and sandboxing Use best practices for targeting both iPhone and iPad devices iOS 7 Development Training Outline Introduction iPhone and iPad Device Anatomy iOS Architecture and SDK Frameworks iOS and SDK Version Compatibility Apple iOS Developer Program Xcode 5 Tour of the IDE Templates, Projects, and Workspaces Creating a New Project LLVM and LLDB Debug Gauges Asset Management XCTest Testing Framework Continuous Integration and Bots Automatic Configuration Objective-C for Experienced Programmers Classes, Objects, and Methods Declared Properties Memory Management Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) Categories and Extensions Formal and Informal Protocols Blocks Application Patterns and Architecture Model View Controller (MVC) IBOutlets and IBActions Subclassing and Delegation Views and Windows The View Hierarchy Containers Controls Text and Web Views Navigation View and Tab Bars Alert Views and Action Sheets Controlling Rotation Behavior View Autosizing Autolayout Storyboards Adding Scenes Segues Transitions Using in a Tab Bar Application Table Views Static and Dynamic Table Views Delegates and DataSources Table View Styles Custom Cells Navigation Based Applications Adding the Root View Controller Creating the Navigation Controller Controlling the Stack Navigation Programmatically UIPickerView and UIDatePicker Designing the UI Coding for the Data Picker Hiding the Keyboard Memory Management Directories and Files NSFileManager, NSFileHandle, and NSData Problems Solved by ADO.NET Entity Framework Pathnames in Objective-C Working with Directories Working with Files Reading and Writing from a File iCloud Key-Value Data Archiving Working with Data SQLite Integration Using SQLite Directly Overview of Core Data Managed Objects Persistent Store Coordinator Entity Descriptions Retrieving and Modifying Data Multitouch, Taps, and Gestures The Responder Chain Touch Notification Methods Enabling Multitouch on the View Gesture Motions Gesture Recognizers Drawing Core Graphics and Quartz 2D Lines,Paths,andShapes Animation Core Animation Blocks Animation Curves Transformations Multitasking Application States Background Execution Background App Refresh in iOS 7 State Restoration Notifications Local Notifications Push Notifications Core Location Framework Location Accuracy Obtaining Location Information Calculating Distances MapKit Framework and MKMapView Concurrency Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Serial and Concurrent Queues Main Dispatch Queue Completion Blocks Operation Queues Networking Reachability Synchronous Downloads Asynchronous Downloads Handling Timeouts Sending HTTP GET and POST Requests Parsing JSON Parsing XML AirDrop Targeting Multiple Devices iPhone vs. iPad Universal Apps Multiple SDK Support Detecting Device Capabilities Supporting iOS 6 and iOS 7 Localization Resources Language and Region NSLocale Text Dates Numbers Running on a Physical Device Development Certificates Assigning Devices Creating an App ID Provisioning Profiles Running Performance and Power Optimization Measuring Performance Instruments Responsiveness Memory Usage, Spikes, and Leaks Networking and Power Deployment Icons and Launch Images Distribution Certificates Distribution Provisioning Profiles Archiving an Application App Store Distribution AdHoc and Enterprise Distribution iTunes Connect Conclusion
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:00:38 +0000

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