iPhone 5: the most hated smartphone. Samsung Galaxy S4: the most - TopicsExpress


iPhone 5: the most hated smartphone. Samsung Galaxy S4: the most loved smartphone Apple’s iPhone 5 is “the most hated hand­set” cur­rent­ly avail­able, receiv­ing the most crit­i­cism on social net­works, reports British tabloid The Daily Mail. Its biggest rival, the Sam­sung Galaxy S4, is the most loved — receiv­ing just 11% of the com­plaints. One in five posts on social net­works crit­i­cized the iPhone 5, accord­ing to the lat­est data from the ana­lysts at We Are Social, who scanned Twit­ter, blogs, and forums fol­low­ing the launch of four major hand­sets. Those include the iPhone 5, the Galaxy S4, the Black­Ber­ry Z10, and the Nokia Lumia 920. Users com­plained about the iPhone’s new Light­ning con­nec­tor, which replaced Apple’s old 30-pin con­nec­tor, and about how they had to buy an adap­tor to use it with their old acces­sories. They also crit­i­cized the inac­cu­ra­cy of Apple Maps, and how much sim­i­lar the iPhone 5 is to pre­vi­ous mod­els. There were also com­plaints about the qual­i­ty of the pic­tures taken on the iPhone 5, The Daily Mail reports, with some report­ing a “pur­ple dis­col­oration” on their images. This is some­thing that we cov­ered on Cult of Mac fol­low­ing the launch of the iPhone, and it was such a big issue that Apple was forced to respond to com­plaints. Sam­sung, on the other hand, has the “most ‘wow’ factor,” We Are Social found, with 56% of Galaxy S4 dis­cus­sions about its new eye-tracking fea­tures, which allow users to scroll pages by mov­ing their eyes. Only 11% of social com­plaints were aimed at the Galaxy S4. Apple still boasts the best brand appeal, with 42% of con­ver­sa­tions about the iPhone. That nar­row­ly beats the 41% of con­ver­sa­tions about the Black­Ber­ry Z10, and the Nokia Lumia 920. Via: The Daily Mail
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 05:48:42 +0000

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