iPhone 6 Plus Lusers Left Outraged After This New - TopicsExpress


iPhone 6 Plus Lusers Left Outraged After This New Revelation Those lucky few who dashed out to get an iPhone 6 Plus last week might be regretting their decision after it has come to light that the expensive smart phones are bending in users pockets. Imagine splashing out on the latest (so Apple claim) tech only to find that the device now looks like a banana... People are so annoyed with the problem that the hash tag #bendgate has started. Rather than just looking at photos of peoples bent phablet phones that are circulating on social media, popular YouTube channel Unbox Theropy have decided to try and bend one of their personal iPhone 6 Plus handsets. This is not pretty... The flaw is apparently down to the gadgets aluminium alloy frame as well as it being a thinner than the usual model, which is a kick in the teeth considering the phone costs in excess of £619! Just to prove that its only the iPhone 6 Plus you should worry about, heres another video of a guy trying to bend his iPhone 6 like a cheese string. #TeamAndroidFTW #CongratulationsiPhoneLusers #TeamAndroidLeadingTheWayForPhablets
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 18:28:21 +0000

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