iShare 14/11/2014 A MONEY PUMP CALLED #AIMGLOBAL One day, - TopicsExpress


iShare 14/11/2014 A MONEY PUMP CALLED #AIMGLOBAL One day, there was an old man who went to Dubai. While he was there he decided to have some adventure and fun, so he went to the desert and enjoyed the sun and sand. However, after hours of walking , he suddenly realized that he got lost. His face suddenly is now stricken with panic. With the scorching heat and no water, the old man is now very thirsty. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw this wood shed. So he went there and was happy to see an old rusty water pump. He got very excited that he started pumping, thinking only of one thing –water! However, as hard as he try, no water came out. Exhausted, he stepped back and saw a dust covered water jug. There was a note written in the jug. It says, “Inside this jug is fresh drinking water, don’t drink it! Pour it in the pump and you will have all the water you’ll ever want.” The old man’s heart got torned. What if it’s not true? What if it’s a prank? What if it’s a scam? The man said, “What the heck, il give it a try.” So with eyes closed he poured every drop of water into the water pump. Then he started pumping. At first nothing seems to be happening. But he kept on. After a minute, mud came out. Then later – fresh drinking water!! He drank to his hearts delight. He can’t believe the amount of water that has come out of the pump that he even decided to take a bath! He even saw other water containers that he filled it to the brim to take it along with him in his journey. But before he left, he again filled with water the dusty jug he first saw and scribbled a not below the one he read. He wrote “I tried it. It works!” Drink now or Drink for a lifetime This story illustrates why there are many poor people. They do not know what to do with the money that they have. Often times, you see employees spend their entire monthly salary paying everyone else except themselves. In short, they do not know how to invest. You see them spend big bucks going to vacations, buying the latest gadgets. Some of them even go to the extent of loaning money just to buy the latest iPhone. It’s okay to have a fun in life but if you want financial freedom, we suggest that you live within your means and not get hypnotized by the media. AIM Global Package The good news is you are now standing in front of a money pump called AIM Global. You just need a little amount of water P7980++. You have an option to start, depending on your capability with one, three jugs or seven jugs as primer for the pump. One Global Package can give you a potential income of about P500,000/mo. Now that is a lot of money! Can you imagine living in the Philippines with that kind of income? Would your life change? Would the life of your love ones change? Would your ability to help others change? I don’t have the money to invest This gives you more reason to join. Find a way. Find the money. Sell your stereo, tv, borrow from your relatives or put up a garage sale. Do whatever it takes to get the necessary funds. It’s a small amount considering this could give great wealth that even you couldn’t ever imagine. Think of this way, if you are P7980 short of buying your dream house or going home for good after working for so many years abroad and be with your family, you will find a way, wouldn’t you? AIM Global is an investment for your future. The good thing is that, there is not one, two or ten people who has done it but over a thousand people. One thousand distributors will tell you to try it. Because this pump has worked for us and it surely would work for you!powerrrrrr! Hope youre learning. Big Thanks for Reading guys.😊muwah. God bless us.!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 01:35:31 +0000

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