iWowWe – Do You? TheDashRadio enjoyed the presence of special - TopicsExpress


iWowWe – Do You? TheDashRadio enjoyed the presence of special guest CEO WowWe, Inc (iWowWe) Mr. Bill Starkey, on a private interview one Thursday evening. As long-termiWowWe_Logo_com_COLOR MLM professionals, both Wright-Olivares and Mingils have served the industry as corporate, field and consultants for well over 2 decades a piece. Meeting Bill Starkey and choosing to work with him on his iWowWe project has been an experience for the entire DashRadio team. We decided to get him on the show to tell his story. It’s not every day a farm-boy (with hippie-school teachers for parents) ends up a multimillionaire MLM field leader turned MLM-technology CEO. As is Peter Mingils passion…theDash needed to dig in and get the scoop on the back-story. Bill Starkey told theDash about his humblest of beginnings and how his desire to please his grandparents gave his grandpa an edge on motivating him as a young boy growing up. When the other kids were out playing…grandpa had Bill playing very different games. Bill’s paper route became a lesson in management and acquisitions, with Bill buying up the other kids routes when they’d let them drop, until he owned the lions-share. Bill became a sponge for his business mentors along the way and learned by “doing” under experts in every field he entered. Bill’s first job in residential construction became his inspiration for his very own construction company by the time he was teaching him how to frame a house in just 3 days time…and the sale of his hugely successful Amway distributorship was his launch-pad for his future endeavors. Bill’s desire to capitalize on the newly birthed tech-industry prompted him to turn on his networking skills and manifest the relationships to take him there. Bill found a few very bright programmers who were working on PHD’s and put them in a room with whiteboards and IBM Mainframe computers. The goal: Developing software for these new contraptions. This was Bill’s debut in the tech industry. From there he went on to develop software that expedited the underwriting process. After a lot of dialogue and bouncing ideas off of his close friends, Bill decided that his notion of the internet making it to the realm of the mobile phone was worthy. Bill created a think tank and told his guys to learn everything there is to video stream with the use of the internet with the ultimate goal of taking those video streams to the mobile environment. His guys told him that the market was open and no one was going after it…. iWowWe was born. Bill feels strongly about his personal responsibility to society. There were many times throughout the past few decades that Bill could have tapped out and simply enjoyed his life. But the responsibility he still holds himself to, pushed him to build iWowWe into what is is today. Through the success he has had with iWowWe since 2007 he has managed to sponsored over 200 children by partnering with WorldVision – providing them with food, clean water and better, more sanitary conditions and an opportunity for a better life. iWowWe donates a portion of every sale to World Vision and is stepping up it’s game with it’s upcoming Be sure to check out this show and learn what Bill Starkey has done and what’s next for his Dash. We’re thrilled to say that the Dash team is working with him and joining forces to impact the children and the entrepreneurs of the world – with tools, opportunity…and clean water for all.iWowWe4Water campaign and is moving from individual sponsorships to building community water wells worldwide. The staggering reality is that over 6000 children die each day due to unclean water and unsanitary conditions and Bill Starkey’s vision is moving from iCare (and what one man alone can do) to iWowWe4Water – and what the affiliates around the world can create through this upcoming global initiative.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:28:46 +0000

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