iabetes is a disease that causes an increase in blood glucose - TopicsExpress


iabetes is a disease that causes an increase in blood glucose levels, that is, sugar levels. This happens when the pancreases stop scratching or secrete lesser levels of insulin that helps maintain blood sugar levels. This causes many health complications marked by an increase in thirst and frequent urination. It is very important to control the blood sugar levels as it could lead to many serious consequences. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Let us learn more about type 1 diabetes from the following paragraphs. What is Type 1 Diabetes? When the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are destroyed due to an autoimmune disease, it leads to decrease in production of insulin. This causes an increase in blood sugar levels, leading to type 1 diabetes. This condition was also called as insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. It usually strikes children or adolescents, thus leading to the name juvenile diabetes. This is an autoimmune disorder that where pancreatic cells that produces insulin. Insulin is a hormone that converts glucose into energy. This form of energy is easily absorbed by the cells to perform various functions. However, when the cells can’t absorb glucose, it causes accumulation of glucose in the blood. High levels of sugar in the body can lead to many complications. Thus, management of diabetes is very important. Causes of Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 diabetes is said to be a genetic condition. The exact cause of the condition is still unknown. However, the condition may be triggered in the presence of a certain virus or toxin. The body starts destroying this foreign body and may ultimately start destroying the beta cells as a part of the autoimmune reaction. Thus, leading to little or no production of insulin by the pancreatic cells. When this happens, the glucose will no longer be converted into the absorbable form. Thus, cells will no longer be able to take in nutrients and energy from the food and the glucose will start accumulating in the blood. The cells will be starved of usable energy. Thus, the body will start breaking down stored fats and proteins to provide energy to the cells. The sugar levels in the blood will continue to rise, leading to symptoms of diabetes.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 21:47:55 +0000

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