if John Hagee really believes what he preaches would he live in a - TopicsExpress


if John Hagee really believes what he preaches would he live in a 2.2 million dollar home on an 8,000 acre estate with an $800,000 a year salary? Or does he preach what he does because it has given him all that he posses. The more money he makes the harder he preaches. What he preaches is the truth. EXCEPT, it doesnt come from his heart but it comes from his mind. I believe that John Hagee like most Christians are believers in their MIND but not in their HEARTS. Jesus said, where your treasure is, there your hearts is also. Is Jesus a liar? Are you a Christian in your mind, or in your heart. Your outward testimony will show which. You will know them by their fruits. John Hagees fruits are two 2.2 million dollar homes, 5 ranch houses on 8,000 acres with an $800,000 salary. Like Andrew Carnage and John Rockefeller who gave hundreds of millions of dollars away to charitable causes, John Hagee never misses a chance for a photo opt. Is that what Jesus said to do? John Hagee is a fabulous speaker and has millions of followers and what he says IS THE TRUTH. I just wish he believed what he preaches when the Bible says the just shall live by faith. If he is going to preach like Peter he should take a lesson from Peter, silver and gold have I none. Thats the power of God and where faith comes from to be in complete SELF DENIAL depending on God for everything you NEED. The anti-Christ is a smooth talker too and will be a great man that people will adore. The anti-Christ will also PREACH Christ. Watch his life style and then you will know he is a phony because the anti-Christ will be a very rich man. Jesus said, the foul have nest and the fox have dens but the son of man has no place to lay his head. Faith. Sell everything you have and give it to the poor and follow Christ IN FAITH. And you will be a part of the kingdom of God. Unless you just cant give up the things of this kingdom. Remember, faith is not what you say or preach, its what you do.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:43:55 +0000

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