if anyone is upset about the video i posted i wanted to explain - TopicsExpress


if anyone is upset about the video i posted i wanted to explain why i posted it.... the mind set that the government isnt telling us this stuff and that they have built themselves huge underground bases and they have hoarded food and shelter so they will "survive a hundred years underground" from this supposed imminent catastrophe-weather it be asteroids, second suns, nuclear warfare, marshall law- or what ever the projected catastrophe is- the argument that they are leaving "us" unprepared to "die in pole shifts, or earth changes, or a nuclear war- or fallout- or EMF or solar radiation holocaust"- - and now "we" are telling YOU about this--- but dont tell anyone else - just prepare yourselves- because your neighbors will kill you and take your stuff --- always was the same energy to me... - "you cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created the problem" sort of thing....i watch the info without attaching to whatever fear the presenter may present- i can resonate truth- not truth- and leave the fear or anxiety of the presenter without attaching to it.... i also cannot imagine knowing whats going on and not telling others...i see all the stuff on the fema camps as the same- us vs them mentality- i guess im coming to this with the perspective that i can educate myself, read the info- watch the videos, i can see the millions of fema coffins- and the barbed wire camps- i watch them while they radiate our planet, while they pretend to erase our constitutional rights- (they cant- they are inherent HUMAN RIGHTS)- but we essentially gave ours away when we decided they were ONLY for "us"and we allowed our govt to convince us that our brothers and sisters did not "deserve or inherently get them".... they played on our EGO (by creating the false beliefs in the masses that "we" are better than "them"- and they watched us sink ourselves by accepting this lie.... ) i watch them poison our food and our planet- etc- and i am empowered by knowing the truth of what they are really doing and why they are doing it... but... i also KNOW- they have ALREADY LOST... that is my truth and my guiding light- it does not mean it wont be a ride- but i am here specifically for this purpose. no matter what anyone tells you- we are going through this TOGETHER- NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND... non negotiable- its not even a choice- to get through this- we have to walk through it together- with gaia and the christ light even if a few of us- hold our energy- and we carry the energy for the numbers- we can do this and make the shift for all of us. this is truly what i know to be at my core. the preparation is done on the energetic field- not through hoarding pots and pans and water and food and guns and ammo.... thats deep "matrix" (that does not mean we wont maybe need water or supplies) but- the REAL preparation is through alignment and resonance with the higher energies- and standing in your own power- holding your own energy- in the truth... and knowing- and speaking and acting as if there is enough food, water, medicine, shelter and love for every single person on this planet... because there IS enough for everyone... we can create the positive timeline - only- by CREATING IT! we can soften this to a ripple- to a deep wave of humanity coming together- or- we can accept their scenario through allowing them to amp this up because they already fell off the planet- .... they cannot resonate to the planet- the vibration is too high... so they are creating as much fear and chaos as possible to feed off of.... to ensure that we continue to buy into the lies and the fear they feed us...but they are still lies. they cannot feed off of you if you stand in the truth. and they really attack hard for a while- but once you get that you are infinit e and it does not matter what they do to you- you are free.... and we cannot get through this by burying our heads in the sand about what they are doing... stand ...ground yourself and breathe deeply- ... repeat after me... i am free. i am loved. i am love. i am safe. i am that i am. i am infinite consciousness and i know there is more than enough for everyone. then- REFUSE TO JOIN IN THEIR physical, mental or emotional WARS - be the love warrior that you are...
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 04:43:56 +0000

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