if everybody took just 1 or 2 hours a week to study what your - TopicsExpress


if everybody took just 1 or 2 hours a week to study what your goverment has been doing with your money,Learning just what your money is providing this goverment the capability to do to you and that they can and are doing these things all the time,communitys would get together and would demand halts to programs that are being used to destroy us,communitys would demand criminals be arrested and i assure you if 300 million people demand these things they sure as shit will listen.the information and the plans have been available to us since the mid 80s and still we stand back watch and do nothing as they militirize our police build camps,order millions of disposable coffins,continuously commensurating terror attacks against its own constituints and falsley point fingers at others.gone as far to plan to round up everyone to take poisened vaccines just a few short years ago and came so close until the medical doctors and nurses themselves refused to take them and sent the initial vaccines to independent laboratorys that confirmed the vaccines were tainted with deadly chemicals,if that hadent happened we would have filled those coffins that are still awaighting us when they go through with whatever next plan gos through-it was pretty close that we found out about the transfer of unnumbered nukes being sent to south carolina while commanders demanded no paper trails and by cooincedence the south carolina senator threatend to nuke south carolina if we dident go to war versus syria.are you keeping a scorecard? i sure am and theres a lot of points being scored.when the initial plans came out they were directed against blacks,latinos and minoritys but let me assure you after they are gone the whites come next,we musent submit 1 human being to this effed up plan to turn us into a completley controlled society where you wont be able to so much as utter a word without worry that it may come back to you with consequenses. the question i ask is,do we fight against each other while they do this or do we help,protect and have each others backs no matter what color or where you may come from??men of conscense are bound to do whatever they can to save there fellow man,whatever it may be,we all have cameras,if they attack with violence how do you not attack back without violence?we can empower ourselves by being able to trust one another knowing that everyone around you will fight for and with you to the death against any terrorist attackers and we do know who the terrorists are and they arent from the middle east,they may hire middle easteners to do their dirty work but we do know who orders and uses our tax dollars to fund these attacks.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 06:49:19 +0000

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