if only Jonathan Ebelebe can speak like Obama. find below the - TopicsExpress


if only Jonathan Ebelebe can speak like Obama. find below the speech we all await from GEJ dat wud neva come. My brothers and sisters, Our nation is at a key point in its journey, a point where decisions have to be made and these decisions determine whether we reach our potential as an entity or spend the next 4 years trying to discover our identity. I address you today, not as the President elected four years ago, not as the president that steered the ship this past years but as a man who has looked back and realized that all I am is just that; a man. As we gear up for the coming elections, we have campaigned far and wide, we have shared manifestos and plans, and we have listed our goals and aspirations. I however do not have the luxury of being the novice as I have been in this position for some time. I deserve to be judged more harshly than my opponents but the first judgment comes from within. It is quite sad that we have centered our campaign on issues that have involved the loss of lives and I take full responsibility for this. Terrorism is not a foreign occurrence and as C-in-C, the responsibility of securing the citizenry of this nation lies with me. The voices of all those lost in these attacks haunt me daily and their pain pierces me deeply. Sympathy is of no use as this would not bring them back, but we can ensure that they do not die in vain by bringing this menace to an end. A lot of questions have risen regarding my stance on several issues; the frequent bombings, the abduction of the girls and more recently, the clashes in Baga. I did not close my eyes to these happenings, I rely on the information I receive and these are mostly security driven. These and other factors informed my decisions. Was I right to take these steps? No. Would I have acted differently? I really should have. Can I right this? The decision lies in your hands. I can speak on the achievements of this tenure, I can list a lot of promises but all of these do not matter when my family have lost faith in my ability as a father to provide them the security they deserve. Leadership is not about not failing, it is about doing what is right to ensure it isn’t repeated. The mother in the ancient city of Benin doesn’t disown her son who fails in his academic pursuits but places more trust in him by still paying his fees. I failed in keeping your homes and fields safe, I failed to bring your girls back, I failed to kick out the scourge of Boko Haram but by God, I pledge to right these wrongs with the last drop of blood I have. I will reach out to all who have combatted this plague, seek out their wisdom, tackle these issues head on and ensure that Nigeria becomes one of the most desirable places to live in As you make a choice of your president, I will like to thank you for the confidence you placed on me the last election and request that you enable me payback that trust. If you choose otherwise, I will accept your choice and contribute my quota to the development of this nation in whatever way I can. Thank you for not just giving me shoes but teaching me the importance of walking right. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:51:42 +0000

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