if something is meant to happen, no matter what any of us try to - TopicsExpress


if something is meant to happen, no matter what any of us try to do,it will happen sooner or later, if you try to force an issue then eventually you will lose because nothing is ever truly gained by force. for example if you try to force two people to walk together by tying the laces of the shoes nearest tp each other and those two people are trying to walk in different directions, sooner or later the laces will fray and break, and the two will go their own separate ways, if two people are meant to be together, no matter how much you try to keep them apart for whatever reason, then fate itself will step in and the two will be together, and the separation will also make it even harder to keep them apart, opposites dont always attract, equal opposites do though. one of th e lessons in life I have learnt, and it is a very important one, sooner or later it will al come back to us in the end, if we have done well then we will be shown what we have done, why, and what the results are, if we have done wrong then it too will be shown to us and we will receive justice through an appropriate punishment. that is why I have faith, not in god, not in the system, I have faith in humanity, people themselves are, inherently good, evil is something learnt or thrust upon us through circumstance or the desires of others who take advantage of those who are unaware, it is the task of all those good people who are aware to try to use wisdom to guide those who dont know the pitfalls, in other words, dont tell people not to do something you know is wrong, explain why and what will happen rather than leave them to test the boundaries before they find out what you could have told them to begin with. I did try to explain why I refuse to give answers or consent for certain things, now I believe that peole are starting to understand, one doesnt give answers to people who have sworn and oath, who were given chances to show otherwise and then they go and do the same thing all over again, deliberately just to be spitefull and tell you to go to hell, I been there already thanks, many times because of other peoples shit, since you now want an answer to why not, why should I give you answers so you can deliverately kill other people with your own stupidity, it is meant to be, for some those who are honest and honourable, I have a possible alternative and an opportunity forthose who do things for the right reasons to prove it, whilst at the same time shutting down those who want it for the wrong reasons, it all comes to pass as it should and as it is meant to be. who knows, I might be dead tomorrow, or I might live for another thousand years, I dont know for sure, foretelling the future is an very specific gift and dejavu occurs to all of us. my hope is that the woman or women that I am meant to be with, will be there for me, not only to reward me with love, care and attemtion, but also to receive the same in return as well as security and a true lasting committal to the future and to each other, I already know my friends will be, they have shown me in no uncertain terms that even if they let me down once, it was because they were shown something that they later learned was untrue, as soon as they learnt the truth however, they rallied in a way which has left me very pleasantly surprised, my nan did say id be surprised and at the same time I would know what was mine and where my station in life is, where my home is, the place where I am prepared to live and die, among my kith and kin, my friends, no matter of race colour or creed, a place that I have for a long time though of as home. thanks Nann, thanks Pop perhaps ill see you when I get there.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:34:46 +0000

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