if there was a phrase that I could never hear again in this life - TopicsExpress


if there was a phrase that I could never hear again in this life time and be perfectly ok it would simply be ----dont judge it use to have a weight as a negative condescending or patronizing comment and now (maybe Im just getting old) it has just become the response for anyone to throw back if someone even respectfully disagrees with the minutest aspect of another persons lifestyle or choices... seriously disagreement is not judging...especially if you asked for an opinion in the first place... If you feel like you are being judged for your choices or your lifestyle ask yourself 1) R you expecting every person in this world to agree with you ? If so you are setting yourself up for some extreme disappointment and 2) why are you so bothered by the disagreement with your lifestyle/choices in the first place --- refer to number 1 :) just a thought or an opinion this early morning as i sip my coffee and shake my head at the amount of unwarranted hostility that exists in the world today... I am as guilty as the next person waging the outcry of judgement on me as I have made choices in my life and with every turn and twist of my life I have felt the eyes of self righteous indignation upon me and in reflecting on my life and my choices I wonder how often my own conscience was affecting my perceptions of other people I wonder how often I was my own worst enemy causing myself years of pain and exclusion from things that I once enjoyed because I was afraid of what people would think or say of my lifestyle and life choices --- because I felt JUDGED As i get older I discover that if I had been comfortable in my own skin so to speak, nothing anyone said would have gotten past just maybe some hurt feelings --- I have cried foul so many times in my life and all it accomplished was a type of paralysis --- the kind that only adversely affected me ... it didnt do a thing to the perceived offenders ... learning only that if you are so quick to assume that you are being JUDGED for your choices and / or lifestyle the only person you adversely affect in the big picture is yourself ... perceiving that you are judged is no different that telling yourself you are worthless or you dont matter or and it just chips away at who you are or who you can be... The minute you think that another persons opinion is a judgement just stop before you rant and rage about being judged ... give yourself some space and see why you are so rattled in the first place.... it may be enlightening.... as either you will set about making some changes or you will learn to be comfortable enough about who you are to not be adversely affected by someone elses opinion in the first place --- wow this rant got longer than intended if you get this far.... thanks for your time :)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:55:50 +0000

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