if you are a christian, or some kindve biblical follower i - TopicsExpress


if you are a christian, or some kindve biblical follower i apologize in advance if this comment is offensive, but im not sorry for the content....I AM NOT AND WILL NEVER..believe in jesus...sure..he may have been a historical figure...but I will never bow down to someone who is nothing more than a man, like I or you..or the women of this world...christianity offends me, as I probably offend christians with my beliefs, but Im not out to make you people the enemy, nor should you be doing to me or the people who dont believe your practice...there were thousands of religions with the same story before christianity...but some how jesus became lord im sorry...but i do not believe that, i never will...hate me, delete me, please by all means...never speak to me, but know this..i love you back, even though your scripture says you shall not be enyoked with non believers...so dont be...but the truth is...i love you all, no matter how thick the wool over your eyes is, nor do i care that you think im completely batty and wrong and misguided i am. im just trying to get the realization that there are billions of people on this planet and not everyone has heard the gospel and nor should they be doomed to hell should they not hear said gospel....open your third eye and truely accept man (human) for what we truely are...bone..flesh...electricity and thought..we are much more than some monotheistic belief..i feel there is much more that no human could possibly comprehend, and to shut yourself off into one religion is absolutely foolish...and if i spelled anything wrong, just try not to be a dick about it and read..maybe think about what i said...should you think its hog wash...than dissmiss it, but if this extensive paragraph somehow sparks a thought inside of you...continue to think about it...and just expand it, stretch that rubber band of a mind.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 10:26:11 +0000

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