if you are trying to find the perfect #man and get married, you - TopicsExpress


if you are trying to find the perfect #man and get married, you need to know about the things you might be doing wrong and you need to be smart about your dating. A lot of women try too hard to change in order to please their dream #guy, hoping that by doing this, they will get married someday. You should remember though, that usually men want a happy and easy going #partner with whom they will share the little pleasures of life. So maybe, sometimes, you shouldn’t try so much and just be yourself ‘cause you’re so fabulous and amazing just the way you are. join ME (@ROYALPIXY) #sundaygroove by 6:pm as i explain 15 types of women that men do not want to settle down with here are the top 5...... ( 1)- miss extremely jealous.. this very popular type of lady. She is always very distrusting and suspicious and even though she might have been hurt in the past, this is not an excuse for behaving like this in all her relationships. So, that’s why, most of the time, guys will break up with her because after all “no one can go through his life being prosecuted for somebody elses crimes (2) miss bossy.....At first, a man might think that this trait is kind of cute, that he likes a #woman who is ambitious and knows what she wants, but after a while, he will realize that things are a bit different and he will “feel like he is in grammar school being told what to do by his second grade teacher.” So, if you recognize yourself in my description, try to do something about it and be more approachable. (3)....miss playing games....sometimes, it may seem fun to play all sorts of fun games but in the long term this behavior will surely damage your relationship. Maybe at first, a #man will be intrigued by a hard-to-get lady, but after a while he will want to be with someone who is a bit nicer and more stable. So, no matter how tempting it may seem, stop playing games with his heart! Act a little bit more responsibly and think about his feelings too! (4).....miss i have nothing else going for me....This is definitely one of the types of women a #man will not want to marry. Even though at first he might be flattered by all her attention and kindness, in the long term he will feel suffocated and all that #attention will seem overwhelming. Men love a #woman who knows what she wants, who makes plans that don’t necessarily involve him, who has a goal in her life and who doesn’t live only for him and for seeing him happy. So ladies, no matter how in love you might be, don’t forget about yourself or about your dreams! (5)...miss daddy issues... this type of woman usually date older and powerful men because deep down, she is actually looking for a father figure and not a #partner whom she will want to marry someday. Maybe at first a man will be impressed that a younger #woman finds him attractive, but after a while, he will realize that his special lady has a couple of issues that she needs to resolve if she wants to settle down with him. join me next week, same time to find out more.....
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:51:46 +0000

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