if you arent sure whether or not the prison industrial complex is - TopicsExpress


if you arent sure whether or not the prison industrial complex is trapping, capturing, abusing, eating people alive, making peoples existence completely miserable, and destroying their lives just to make billions of dollars in profit, riddle me this: why, in this dizzying digital and technological era, where we all carry around telephones in our pockets and purses and call and talk with our friends and family coast-to-coast for free...WHY do i have to accept an immediate $10 charge to my cell phone bill to talk to my son for 10 minutes. WHY. why are people outside of jails and prisons forced to fund inmate calling accounts with wildly inflated costs, on an ongoing basis. the longer your loved one is in jail or prison, the more money Securus Technologies makes. WHY. greedy, psychopathic people are getting rich from millions of transactions like this every day. and then theres you and me. where do we begin? we are the majority. we have the power. Securus Technologies is the name of one such private company profiting from the suffering of ordinary people, many of whom have not committed any crime except being the wrong color and breathing air. this is the reality of the prison industrial complex. lets make this corporation (and others like it) history. lets put them out of business and bankrupt their greedy, corporate, leech executives. as long as they stand to make a profit, you are at risk for becoming the next inmate in the prison industrial complex. and who will fight for you, when you arent free? do you see? when you think about the millions of americans trapped like caged animals in the US prison industrial complex, remember one thing: they are us, and we are them. and once youre an inmate, you will be harassed, mistreated, and abused. i was, and i was only an inmate for 34 hours. fulton county jail in atlanta, georgia is an absolute shit-hole that feels like an alternate universe, if that alternate universe is literally hell on earth run by paranoid robots programmed to do evil. ive never encountered so many hostile, angry, abusive guards and administrative staff. theyre hostile because theyre scared, and theyre scared because they know very well that the way they treat people is wicked; therefore, they detest themselves and disappear behind fragile and wildly exaggerated egos. but make no mistake: theyre scared. and they should be. bad things are coming their way if they dont change and do what is good and right. everyone deserves to be treated with decency, kindness, and compassion, but these guards and jail administration staff start the abuse as soon as you cross over that miserable threshold. there, a kind gesture is rare, and so you appreciate any occasion that a guard shows you kindness or compassion. dont be like me: dont wait until it happens to you or someone you love to care and pay attention!! i am a mother. i am a WARRIOR. i CARE. and i know my individual power as well as our collective power when we stand together and raise our VOICE. thats a very dangerous combination. i want you to care, too. WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR when we care and do what is RIGHT. the only ones who should be afraid are the ones who do wrong. just, trust me on this one. unconditional love and goodness triumph every time. ❤️ we are the ones weve been waiting for!! destroy the #prison #industrial #complex and #expose #corporate #corruption #securustech #securus #wearethe #ninetyninepercent
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 19:53:33 +0000

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