if you ever feel a presence??? a presence of someone that has - TopicsExpress


if you ever feel a presence??? a presence of someone that has moved on??? (died) i want to make it VERY CLEAR that its impossible... the dead CAN NOT make any type of contact with you WHAT SO EVER... Hollywood OF COURSE, plays many tricks with the world in movies such as GHOST... (and many others) folks, again, if it comes from Hollywood??? theyre lying to ya~ the dead have truly MOVED ON... what we deal with here is a VERY REAL spirit world though... they also BTW, will trick you with past life experiences... again, impossible... they also try and fool us into THE FORCE... or, a power of supernatural abilities that can be used for good or evil... again, FALSE... so lets explain it as simply as i can... but first, lets see what the Word says and go from there~ Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. _________________________ so, from that verse alone, you can see that there is a spirit world that is VERY real and to its core, is the ROOT of all issues, problems, etc... right? THE FORCE (Star Wars) or any Disney movie that shows how witchcraft is real, but there are good witches or bad witches, that you have to decide, or, the book titled THE SECRET, which is the Power of the Laws of Attraction... etc... all three are demonically based... all three of those have their roots in Satan.. you see, Jesus, after he rose from the dead, proving He had conquered sin, which was what had to be done, TO FIX what happened in the Garden (long story) He then told His disciples that John 16:7-8 (KJV) 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. 8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: ______________________________ the Comforter is THE HOLY SPIRIT... its Christ Jesus indwelt in our spirit, working with our own spirit, as we move about in our own earthly body, amen??? ANY, and i mean ANY OTHER SPIRIT ENTITY or power comes from Satan and his world of demons... demons can heal demons can bring you things demons can visit you demons can make someone think they are your dead relative... demons can enter your dreams need i go on??? Jesus, THREE TIMES referred to Satan as the Prince of this world in the Gospel of John... look em up... (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11) so, what i am saying is THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD (who is Satan) is referred to as a prince in a very sarcastic way, but in yet a very REAL way... he/Satan and all that work under him in the spiritual underworld, have a ton of dominion to wreak havoc today, in the spirit world... they deceive... they lie... they trick... and sadly, those that rule this world, UNDERSTAND 100% how this works and use powers that ARE IN FACT VERY REAL to run this world, and run it straight into the ground~ (thats another long story, we dont get into) as so this post doesnt turn into a book, :P, lets just stay on point... in closing, i urge any Christian to REBUKE by the Blood of Jesus Christ, anything youve done in the past, any contact that has happened in the past with anything not of this world and MOVE ON from it moving forward... which BTW is repenting... which is all a Christian has to do... they dont have to confess to a person... etc... (thats another long story) ;) in your heart, you tell the Lord you are sorry, and move on away from it... its THAT SIMPLE... Repenting is the heartbeat that the Lord understands and He judges our heart... He knows if you really are sorry... He can see it in your actions moving forward... saying Im sorry and then going out and doing it again and again and again??? well, lets take a look at a verse Matthew 18:22 (KJV) 22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. ___________________________ thats if the person TRULY IS SORRY... ive seen this used in debate to manipulate in such a way that its like, going to confession than going back out and just doing it again and again and again and yet again... that as long as you confess to a person of that religion, youre GOOD TO GO sinning as you please... rediculous... the Lord knows the heart and the Lord can tell if IN YOUR HEART youre truly sorry by the way live it moving forward... anyway, have a great day~
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:57:23 +0000

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