if you took 10 marbles of different colours and numbered then 1 to - TopicsExpress


if you took 10 marbles of different colours and numbered then 1 to 10. If you put them in a bag and shook the bag and then closing your eyes, reached inside that bag and I tell you to pullout marble no. 1, then pullout marble no. 2, and then pullout marble no. 3 in order. What is the chance of you pulling out those marbles in order? Do you know what the chances are? 26 million to 1. So what are the chances of heaven/earth, been thrown in the big bang and are orchestrated like they are? What is the chance of that? We have to ask ourselves a further question, when you see a bridge, building or an automobile, you automatically consider the person who constructed it. When you see an airplane, rocket, satellite or a large ship, you automatically consider how incredible vehicle it is. When you see a nuclear plant or a space ship, you will have to be thoroughly impressed with the engineering dynamics involved. Yet, these are things that are manufactured by human beings. Then what about the human body with its massive and intricate control system? Think about it. Think about the human brain - how it thinks, how it stores and retrieves information, how it analyses, how it distinguishes and characterizes information in a millionth of a second and does it constantly. This is the brain that made the automobiles, space ship and so on, but who made the brain? Think about that. Think about the heart – how it pumps continuously for 60 to 70 years, in taking and discharging blood throughout the body and maintains that steady position throughout the life of that person. Think about the kidneys – what kind of function do they carry. It purifies instruments of the body, which performs hundreds of chemical analysis simultaneously and also controls the level of toxicity in the content of the body and it does this automatically. Think about your eyes - the human camera, that adjusts, focuses, interprets, evaluates, applies colour automatically. The natural reception and adjustment to light and distance is automatic. Think about it. Who created all of these? Who mastered all of these? Who plans and regulates all of these? Human beings themselves? No, of course not. We have just seen that each and every part of our body is created by Allah – The Almighty, and all the parts of our body are constantly following the laws of Allah. In other words all the parts of our body are constantly submitting to the will of Allah. And everything that submits to the will of Allah is a Muslim. Yes, you don’t have to relate the word Muslim to Arabs or Middle-East only, every being or thing that submits to the will of Allah is a Muslim. That is what the definition of the word Muslim is. So, whether you like it or not and whether you accept it or not, each and every part of your body is a Muslim. If someone here doesn’t agree with this, they can let me know to whose will are the parts of your body submitting? If it is your will, can someone prove it to me please, can you ask your eyes to hear and ears to see or can you ask your nose to taste and tongue to smell. Can anyone do that? No you can’t. What about this Universe? Think about this. This earth is one planet in the Solar system and our solar system is one of the systems in the milky way and the milky way is one of the constellations in that Galaxy. There are millions of Galaxies like that Milky Way. And they are all in order, they are all precise, they are not colliding with each other, they are not conflicting with each other and they are all swimming along in an orbit that has been set for them. Has human beings set that into motion and are human beings maintaining that position? No of course not. I am sure now you know how vast the Universe is, because some people don’t know. Few days ago, I watched President Bush on T.V. saying that he has ‘Universal Approval’ for his mission. I was shocked when I heard that and asked myself, does he really know what the Universe is? When you compare the planet Earth with the Universe, the Earth won’t even be .01% of the Universe, so I have no idea what President Bush was talking about. I say this because we have to be very careful when we talk about something that is beyond our limitation. This reminds me of another incident, many years ago when America wanted to send a rocket or a space toy into space. I say space toy because I don’t know what exactly they are used for, because if one of their functions is spying/sensing, then what were they doing when New York and Washington were attacked. Anyway, they wanted to send something into space and they named it Challenger. There are people in this world who think and ponder, so if you think about the name Challenger, a question arises – Whom are you going to challenge? Are you going to challenge the Divine Being or His creation or what? Eventually, when the challenger went up, it was blown away and since then they have never used that name again. If anyone here has connections to President Bush, please pass on this to him. I am a common person; I don’t have connections at that level, you see. Think about the Oceans, the fish, the insects, the birds, the plants, bacteria, the chemical elements – which have not been discovered and cannot be detected even with the most sophisticated instruments, yet each one has a law that they follow. Did all of these – synchronization, harmony, variation, design, maintenance, operation and infinite numeration, they just happened by chance. Also, do these things function perfectly and perpetually – also by chance? Do they keep on reproducing themselves and maintaining themselves – also by chance? No of course not. It is totally illogical and foolish to think and in the least, it would indicate that however it came to be, it is totally outside of our own capability. We will all agree to that. The Being, the Almighty Power, God, the Creator, Who has knowledge to design, to proportion, Who has created all of these and is responsible for the maintenance of all of these; is the only ONE deserving of Praise and Gratitude. If I gave each one of you $100 for no special reason, but just for coming here, you would at least say thank you. So what the gifts in the form of your eyes, your kidneys, your brain, your life, your breath, your children. What about that? Who gave you that? Is He not worthy of Praise and Thanks? Is He not worthy of your Worship and your recognition? My respected elders, that in a nutshell is the purpose and goal of our life. Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) said to us in the Quran: Wa maa khalaqtul-Jinna wal-insa illaa liya-buduun. Chapter 51, Verse 56 And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me. This is what the Almighty said. So in my conclusion, our purpose in life is to recognize our Creator, to be grateful to our Creator, to worship the Creator, to surrender ourselves to our Creator and to obey the laws that He has determined for us. In a nutshell it means Worship. This is our purpose in this life and whatever we do in the cause of this worship i.e. the system - eating, drinking, working, dressing, sleeping, the enjoin between life and death, all of these are just consequential, but we have been created for Worship, that is the purpose of our life.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 09:57:08 +0000

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