ift.tt/1v1p7DU We Can Miss Blessings if We Don’t Look If we - TopicsExpress


ift.tt/1v1p7DU We Can Miss Blessings if We Don’t Look If we are too busy lamenting about our challenges, we can quickly become blind to the blessings. Welcome to our new writer, Becky. “Therefore, brothers, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith. For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord” (I Thessalonians 3:7-8). Saturday was my cousin’s wedding day. As I walked along with the bridesmaids I looked down and found a four leaf clover. In my excitement I said, “I found a four leaf clover!” “Already?” The sister of the groom asked. As I bent over to have a better look I found a second, third, and fourth four leaf clover. Next, her daughter said she found one as well! We noticed one of them were actually five leaf clovers–which she had never seen before. We picked two clovers and the girls began snapping pictures of the special finds. What is the secret of finding a four leaf clover? I believe it is looking. My grandmother used to have us look for them beside her home just beyond the front door. I have precious memories of sitting outside with my grandmother, sister, and cousins searching for four leaf clovers. We would then take them inside and press them in the phone books. Counting blessings is somewhat like that. I have to look for them. They are there. There may be a sea of problems surrounding them, but I am so thankful that they are there. Perhaps for you it is like the verse I Thessalonians 3:7. In your distress and illness you are encouraged because someone else is coming to faith through what you are going through. Perhaps today your joints feel well enough to write a little longer. Maybe today your friend needed someone to talk to and you were able to offer a listening ear because you can relate. Are there blessings that you have previously overlooked in your life right now? When we find one four leaf clover, there are usually a few more nearby. The same is true of blessings. Lord Jesus, thank You for the way You speak to us in Your Word. Thank You for placing blessings in my life and the lives of those around me. Please help me to be still and look for the treasures in my life. In Your Name, Amen. About the author: Becky Elie lives in the Midwest and enjoys spending time with family. She was diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) while teaching in Asia and is well after many months of medication and God’s care. She is learning that it is in her weaknesses that God’s strength is made known. Becky enjoys painting, photography, and learning more about living for Christ. Are there blessings that you have previously overlooked in your life right now? This song is a worship classic, “Open The Eyes of My Heart, Lord” with Michael W. Smith. Take a few minutes to just worship the Lord with the music. All around us we are surrounded by miracles and blessings if we just take the time to look for them, instead of counting our burdens. -Lisa The post We Can Miss Blessings if We Don’t Look appeared first on Rest Ministries - Chronic Illness and Pain Support.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:05:26 +0000

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