ift.tt/eA8V8J So, Ive been lurking around the Jeskai control - TopicsExpress


ift.tt/eA8V8J So, Ive been lurking around the Jeskai control threads a lot lately, and this deck owes special thanks to /u/Serarr, /u/andrewriker, and a bunch of other people who have been commenting/putting up lists. Lots of great ideas here at /r/spikes so thanks a lot guys and gals!!! Decklist Creatures: 1 Keranos, God of Storms 3 Narset, Enlightened Master Instants: 4 Dissolve 4 Magma Jet 4 Lightning Strike 4 Jeskai Charm 1 Mindswipe Enchantments: 3 Dictate of Kruphix Sorceries: 3 Anger of the Gods 3 End Hostilities Planeswalkers: 1 Chandra, Pyromaster 1 Jace, the Living Guildpact 3 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker Lands: 4 Mystic Monastery 4 Shivan Reef 4 Temple of Epiphany 2 Temple of Triumph 2 Battlefield Forge 3 Flooded Strand 1 Evolving Wilds 2 Island 2 Mountain 1 Plains Regarding the deck philosophy and a few card choices: This is an attempt to streamline various control lists Ive been testing, and to maximize Narset value. The core of the deck is the 12 burn spells, Magma Jet, Lightning Strike, and Jeskai Charm. They all hit the face, and take care of 2 or less toughness, 3 or less, and 4 and above (or anything really) respectively. This deck is able this way to play a lot more instants in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th turns than other decks Ive built, which have tended to be more tap out-y with Rams, Banishing Lights, etc. I like these lists, but I kept feeling that they almost played like combo decks; that is, if you hit your curve (maybe like 1) cipt land, 2) sheep/font of fortunes, 3) anger of the gods, 4) dissolve something, 5) end hostilites, etc.) you win most of the time but otherwise you lack serious versatility which to me is the hallmark of a good control deck. By being able to hold up several removal spells plus Dissolve we get to play like a true control deck. The only issue is that a lot of the time our removal spells arent Terrors, they are Incinerates, so how do we ensure we dont get blown out late game? Enter Dictate of Kruphix! Haha, lets give this guy some love. This card seems like the ideal card drawing engine for this deck. He is an additional virtual instant you are holding up for identical to Dissolve mana. You benefit first the turn you play it, and he fuels your primary win condition, which is burn to the face. Howling mine-esque effects in control decks are always a tricky proposition; generally speaking they should ensure your victory as your wraths out class their creatures, but they can also often lead you to a hasty death. By playing so many instants and burn spells we benefit a lot more from a Howling Mine than say a Banishing Light control deck does. So, right, after you stabilize you can start burning them to the face, usually faster than they can keep up playing stupid creatures. Once you resolve a Narset in this deck shell its usually gg; she hits every single spell in your deck besides Keranos and almost all of them are relevant. Between a Dictate and a Narset you can usually end the game much quicker than say with Sarkhan alone or with something like an Elsepth. In addition, just attacking with Narset to rip a few burn spells to kill some opposing creatures is excellent. The deck has a lot of neat synergies which I think really help push it to the next level. Jeskai Charm is the ideal counterpart to Narset; it clears big creatures you cant handle with a lightning strike so that you can attack fearlessly. Jeskai Charm too is also particularly well suited for this deck, as all three modes are relevant. Its a great Boros Charm to help end the game, the removal is excellent (in response to a fetchland of course, or often enough just to kill your opponents next draw to set up a big End Hostilities), and the last mode is particularly nice with Sarkhan and Narset. On Narset its not entirely irrelevant, a 4/3 first strike battles well with a lot of the formats best creatures, and in either case the 4 life gain from Narset or 5 from Sarkhan can be essential to put you out of range, creating late game inevitability. Lets see what else....Chandra is a fantastic one of. This deck in particular is well suited for both her 0 and her limit break. Keranos is wicked sweet with a Dictate out, he practically makes it a one sided effect with you either drawing 3 a turn or two plus a free L-bolt. Plus, between himself, Dictate, Sarkhan, Narset, Jace, and Chandra, you can actually switch him in to creature mode frequently in this deck! Narseting into your planeswalkers and playing with the synergies between a Keranos, a dictate, a Jace, and a Chandra is so fun it should be illegal. Also a quick work on Sarkhan: Magma jet = 2, Lightning Strike = 3, Sarkhan = 4. Sometimes you just need him to get a Courser of Kruphix, but he can also just win the game by himself of course. At first I was skeptical but now Im on board hes the real deal. Oh, and the 1x Mindswipe is probably just horrible.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 17:22:20 +0000

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