ill call you when i figure out why or when or what. or maybe when - TopicsExpress


ill call you when i figure out why or when or what. or maybe when im frustrated, acting though, as if this world were nothing more than miniscule pebbles kicked up by my relentless meandering. ill call out to you while laying in the wash and the foot of the mountain. exclaiming that i can climb this, im just resting my eyes. or maybe ill whisper low when im parched. pretending as though im drooling with inspiration. till i can work up enough for one more gutted salty scream that i CAN climb that mount. ill swear i tremble at prospect and not with fear. and when i hide with my toes peaking round the corner, for shame or solace or shade. ill promise that im ready for round two. no need for rest ill say, ive got plenty more. ill just pull it from the air. go on ahead i may say. implying that there are matters yearning for my attention. theres so much to be. see the detail in your breath. how the dirt settles beneath your step. dont let the road obscure the path ill ask. and if you cannot hear me panting behind you, then i assure you ill be just ahead. just around the next shadow. peering from beneath the lip of the sky. admiring the lessons in life youll be traveling through.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 16:00:25 +0000

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