ill never forget forty years ago today. i was working a summer job - TopicsExpress


ill never forget forty years ago today. i was working a summer job keypunching info. for remington rand co. their office was on atlantas famed peachtree street, right where 17th ave. crosses it - the very intersection where margaret mitchell, the author of gone with the wind was tragically killed crossing the street after being hit by a cab driver. anyway, all of us in the office stopped our activities to turn on the radio and listen as richard m. nixon announced his resignation from the presidency of the u.s. hearing him and the commentators, i was keenly aware that i was witnessing history being made. i still have the atlanta journal & constitution newspaper from that day. despite the debacle of watergate and his complicity in the cover-up, ill forever be grateful to nixon for signing into law the right for 18 year olds to be able to vote. and the first year that 18 year olds could do so was the year i turned 18. it is chilling to look back at the three articles of impeachment passed by the house judiciary committee against nixon -- -- chilling because today, elements of all three articles have clearly and blatantly been committed in the past few years by the current administration. by comparison to recent actions, nixons crimes amount to a kindergartner stealing another kids eraser. i also remember april 22nd, 1994. id not been listening to the news, but the nite before id had a dream in which i was driving nixon around in a car. we were having a very deep conversation about life. as he spoke, i kept thinking, soon as he finishes, i must be sure to thank him for allowing me to vote @ 18. but, before i could tell him, i woke up, ending the dream. that morning, i turned on the radio and heard that he had died the nite before.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:41:33 +0000

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