im going to tell you the truth about being judged by god in the - TopicsExpress


im going to tell you the truth about being judged by god in the afterlife... first you have to understand time and in general the Atlanteans thought time was important because they knew personal time was a key to ascension... anyways, theres a thing called a spawn point in real life just like there is spawn points in your video games you play, spawn points are places you start on the map or it can be where you stand in general... spawn points are primarily relevant to location, correct? so the fact this universe is multi dimensional spontaneously and how physical death isnt relevant to the concept of a multi dimensional universe you now should know that you cant be judged by god because your spawn point is multi dimensional so your state of existence within the present depends on yourself because you have to work on your energy yourself and raise your frequency within your spawn point... universal crop circles are the ones in this pic but your personal crop circle is called a spawn point or a crop circle as well... the buddha belief can back up my status because buddhist meditate and a meditative state is the being of the present and seeing how life really is within the present and when you meditate cosmic energy comes down and enters the top of your crown chakra right down your whole kundalini and cleans your etheric body, why do you think? because spawn points and personal crop circles is the point where an entity stands within the present and this crop circle is the state of being taking place on a certain location on the map. mystical teleporation is spawn point magic or crop circle magic.. you judge yourself within the crop circle and your ego doesnt judge yourself, your heart judges yourself. you can go anywhere you want in the afterlife as long as your vibrating high, the more high you vibrate the less locational limitations you have... morality isnt relevant to the fact that you judge yourself so when i say you judge yourself it doesnt mean there isnt universal morality that you have to do to make it to a higher dimension, universal morality for your ascension is just for your mystical science and chakra tests so you can reach higher dimensions and god means to invoke on a source or call on by the way so everybody is a god because the word god is plural
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 04:36:59 +0000

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