im not postting this to start drama or anything i just feel whats - TopicsExpress


im not postting this to start drama or anything i just feel whats said about me is not true with me and my son i tryed my best with that and it didnt work out yes i lived out there with my son and my ex and then yes something happend that ened my relationship with here but i stayed for another 4 months after then i tryed to make things work out i really did and it was hard to handle after what happend so i came up to ks i was up here for about 2.5 weeks then i came back to az to help with eric i came back and stay for another 2 - 3 months and in this time i wasent with anyone i came back for my son but everything was still filled with drama and it was hard to build trust again so i ended up coming back to ks a 2nd time an here ive stayed since then was never unfaithfull to anyone ive alwasy been faithfull in all my relationships and idc if whoever thinks im lieing im not im not some douce bag guy that just runs off from his kids and ect i was good for a very very long time and then got miss treated and now i get this crap so all you ppl thats want to dis on me go right ahead i know the trust and if you want to dis idc but figured i level the playing field anyways let this just be a lession and proof thats ppl change and sometimes you just cant prevent it
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:14:20 +0000

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