im not sure what to think of the news of the government closing - TopicsExpress


im not sure what to think of the news of the government closing recently. It seems mainly to do with both parties stubbornly standing their ground. It reminds me of how christianity has also undergone seperations from different parties or groups within it,each having their own ideas how things should be run. There likely has always been conservative traditionalists,and others open to reform and new ideas or interpretations. Fear and paranoia keeps the traditionalists from wanting changes. sometimes its possibly good we dont change anything if theres not a majority affected by a problem. Well, i wonder how our governing parties began to develop their ideals and character. the new tea party has caused a slight stumbling block ,and im sure its staunchness is a cause of the reason negotiations cant move forward.then also is the new health insurance law which some democrats refuse to back down on. it should not be mandatory law because it is dividing the country by its uncertainty on whether companies will lay off employees. It should have been put to a test in certain areas of the country first. if it works well,its proven to not fear it for everyone. Well,how can keep it all shut down much longer?people need to get back to their jobs. the supreme court should just make everyone get back to reopen everything there,or everyone should begin a recall and have a new election,or a executive order forcing everything to reopen. Thats why we dont want to be divided any longer,we as America and the church should stay united among our party groups and put aside these big arguments and test out our ideas and find some compromises. United we stand.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 06:50:30 +0000

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