im so sick of hipocrites! sick of people not handling their own - TopicsExpress


im so sick of hipocrites! sick of people not handling their own issues,i have a crazy family and im done with their drama that they try to pawn off as mine!im tired of being taken addvantage of,im tired of not being good enough for them when things are going great in their lives only when they want help,well ill pray for ya but the food pantry is now closed.fend for your damn selves i have my whole life!!!!you can do it.if you need something dont call me!YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!oh and stop taking from my daughter and not paying her back!she works hard and is trying to get a head she dont need moochers taking her stuff and money!its not our fault your all dead beats and rely on other people to pay your bills and take care of you! grow the hell up and leave us alone.YOU ARE NO LONGER FAMILY OF OURS
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:22:42 +0000

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