ima give you guys my 10 worst gimmicks of the past 2 years , i - TopicsExpress


ima give you guys my 10 worst gimmicks of the past 2 years , i thought this would be an intresting topic so in no order here they are 10. Fandango- There is word going around that this guy keeps a job because vince likes him, the gimmick is terrible however, okay he dances with hot chicks, they did the dancing with the stars deal with the miz winning it and theyve had two girls fight over him what else do they have left, well if they wanted to make it intresting pair him up with Val Venis or Goldust for a creative feud however that isnt gonna happen. 9. Mojo Rawley- Its good to be a hype man, if youre flava flav. Hes another good wrestler with a bad gimmick, the get hyped just doesnt do it, just seems kinda one dimensonal, my solution pair him up with ryback, they both built and Ryback has the feed me more thing could be a cool tag team oh and speaking of Ryback.... 8.Ryback-We got another giant who isnt great on the mic, has been critizied for being terrible in the ring and i guess i could look past that if he could say more than 3 words. How bout showing us more Ryback. 7.Adam Rose- This may be my least favorite of the new gimmicks, i get raw is pg now but adam rose and the exotic express is kinda annoying i havent seem him wrestle too well at all oh and do get me started on the bunny.... 6. Big Show- Hes big and well that is it. I respect the hell outta the big show but him and Mark Henry are former shells of themselves, if you want somebody to look great have them pick one of these guys up and body slam him cause everyone is hulk hogan nowadays. 5. Heath Slater- I want to like Heath Slater as a wrestler but seeing him with the gator or as the a rhinstone or union jack just stop. Let the guy be the one man rock band, although Cory graves wouldve been better at it 4. Luke Harper- It worked when he was with Bray because they were on the edge however Luke Harper doesnt seem to have the chops to pull it off on his own. 3. Cesaro- Cesaro is someone who should be a main event player on a weekly basis, ask Steve Austin. And he shouldve been primed to be the next big thing however creative messed up and now hes a jobber and he shouldnt be. 2. Corporate Kane- It had potential. However can is better off as a demon, better than Kane in a suit now Kane just looks washed up and a once fine wrestler is now the next stooge 1. Big E- The New Day- Okay how did this happen, he was Big E Langston and an awesome power lifter at that, he held the intercontiental championchip and was on the fast track to the wwe championchip, then the next thing i know hes jobbing to rusev and is carrying a handkerchief around, WWE if it isnt broken dont fix it, let it be and Big E Langston was awesome, its a new day for him alright, a dark day. So that is my ten, feel free to discuss or add
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 00:47:59 +0000

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