imagine 1/5 for chloe and harry :)) ----- You and harry - TopicsExpress


imagine 1/5 for chloe and harry :)) ----- You and harry have been best friends since the day you have learned how to speak. obviously you two were close and you tell each other everything. about the day you had an argument with your mom, the day his dad left. as you grow older, you realized that harry was starting to get clingy. He was starting to hang out with you everyday. of course, being a dumb person you are, thought that it was just his friendly gesture. (sorry kung english :P) one day a guy from your class asked you out on a date, and you gladly obliged, simply the guy was cute and you were crushing with him.. well, a little bit. thanks for the date (y/crushs/n) you smiled at him as he led you to the front door. its okay.. i had fun. ill call you? he smiled at you. you nodded. sure! from the place you were standing, you could see harry from his room peeking. you wondered why he was staring like that. he always teased you about being a lesbian because no one would ever ask you out, but you proved him wrong. after someone asked you out, that was the day he lessened talking to you. after giving your number, (y/c/n) gave you a kiss on the cheek making you blush. thanks for the date again chloe. see you around. he waved goodbye and went on his way. harry was still staring at you and you stared back at him. he shrugged his head disappointingly, making you furrow your eyebrows. whats up with that guy? you thought to yourself.. ---- you were inside your room when someone knocked on your door. you thought it was just your mom, but turns out it was harry. look who came out of hiding. you say sarcastically rolling your eyes. you finally decided to talk to me after two weeks. look chloe. im sorry okay. i know youre mad at me. you bet i am. you huffed. youre supposed to ask me how my date went. what happened. you shouldve talked to me just once! theres something wrong with you harry, and mad is not the word to describe my feelings about it. . you started to babble. he sighed. i dont want to ask you about your date. so you dont care? you looked at him getting angrier. its not that i dont care chloe, would you please listen to me? he asks frustration building in his voice. what is this friendship about harry? listening but not caring? you kept talking, not even trying to listen to him. you are mad because he has been ignoring you for weeks. you have been acting like a jerk lately and i dont even know who you are---- i dont want him for you okay?! he yelled. you looked at him his eyes closed and fists clenched. GOD CHLOE. CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY? he says again, his breath getting heavier. you were both looking at eachother.. breaths were getting heavier because of anger. then why are you hiding? why dont you talk to me about it harry?! why dont y--- he suddenly grabbed you kissing your lips. he kissed it with all his heart. and you knew it. sparks were flying everywhere, the butterflies in your stomach getting wild. his lips molded with yours perfectly. there was something inside of him and he was too scared to make you feel it. your heart was beating loud. you looked at his green eyes as they looked at you with full adoration. IM IN LOVE WITH YOU CHLOE. AND I DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW BECAUSE IM TOO SCARED. MAYBE YOU DONT LIKE ME THE WAY I DO. I DONT KNOW WHAT ILL DO IF YOU DONT WANT ME AROUND ANYMORE. YOURE MY EVERYTHING. I DONT WANT TO LOOSE YOU CHLOE. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. he breathed your foreheads were now touching. you giggled. the butterflies wont stop and you cant stop laughing too. why are you laughing? he looks at you, his hand on your cheek. youre a coward harold. you rolled your eyes witha smile. he pouted his lips, making you smile more. he looked cute. why are you laughing? you looked at him, kissing him this time. once again, sparks flew everywhere and butterflies errupted. so, this means? he looks at you unsurely.. i guess i will give this thing a shot. you smiled a him pointing at his chest.. hey, my heart is not a thing. he says. i know. its not.. but lets give it a shot.., you smiled at him again. I LOVE YOU CHLOE. He whispered in your ear as he hugged you tight. ---- i hope you liked it chloe :))) next NIALL IMAGINE. :)) -DARXII
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:10:05 +0000

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