imagine for Marina with Harry You looked at the clock on your - TopicsExpress


imagine for Marina with Harry You looked at the clock on your dashboard. 9:07 p.m. You can’t help, but smile as you turn down the street. After being away for months, you’re finally going to see Harry! All of the memories of you two flooded back; the beach, the concerts, the park, the school dances, everything. There was a certain time that you remember distinctly. It was when you went to one of Harry’s concerts and he teased you by calling you his biggest fan. You pulled up Harry’s driveway. I hope he’ll be happy to see me , you think. You walk up the porch and to the door. You hold your hand up to knock on the door, but instead, you just freeze, not even knocking. You hear Harry laughing, along with another girl. You press your ear against the door to hear better. "Come to bed, Babe," a girl called. "Alright," Harry said, his voice growing farther away. "Wait!" he shouted. "I left something in my car I’ll be right back." Your heart snaps. You stepped away from the door. Harry , you think, shaking your head. Your eyes start to burn from tears. How could he? Your head hangs, facing the floor, as you walked off of the porch. You heard footsteps walking towards the door from inside the house. You hear the door open behind you. "Marina?" The pieces of your broken heart started to flutter at the sound of Harry calling your name. You turn around to face him. In the doorway, you see a shirtless Harry, wearing his favorite pair of black jeans. Harry ran down the stairs of the porch towards you. He embraced you in a long hug, but you didn’t return the hug. He rested his head on your left shoulder. “I’ve missed you so much,” he said. A tear rolled down your cheek. “Sure you did,” you muttered, sarcastically. Harry let go and took a step back. He put his hands on your shoulders and looked at you. You turned away, not wanting him to see your tears. "What’s wrong?" he asked. You felt the heat of anger building up in your stomach. You wanted to punch Harry, but instead you took a deep breath. "What’s wrong?" you repeated. You looked up at Harry, tears rolling down your face. "You didn’t miss me, you replaced me!" you shouted. "I leave, hoping that you wouldn’t forget me, but instead you replace me! I came over to see you because I missed you. I thought you missed me too, but I was mistaken." You turned around and started to walk to your car. You felt a hand grab your arm. "Let go, Harry," you mutter through clenched teeth, trying to keep your voice from breaking because of the tears. "Please," Harry’s voice trailed off. "No!" you shout. Harry quickly spun you around to face him. You keep your head down, not wanting to wanting to see him. He cupped your face in his hands. He leaned in closer. You felt his soft lips press against yours and then, slowly slip away. You felt his warm breath on your lips. "I’m sorry," he whispered. More tears started to build in your eyes. You looked up at Harry. Your vision was blurry from the tears that clouded your eyes. You slowly shook your head. "No," you whispered. "I’m sorry." You grabbed Harry’s hands, that were still cupped around your face, and pulled them away. You saw tears building in Harry’s eyes. You turned around and walked to your car in the driveway. "Marina," Harry called, his voice trailing off. You got in your car and looked at Harry. You saw tears roll down his cheeks. More tears built up and streamed down your face. He was the one person you hated to see cry, more than anyone. You have him a half-side smile and started the car. You pulled out of the driveway and into the street. Harry started walking towards the car, but you soon pulled away. You couldn’t see his house anymore. You looked in the rear view mirror. You say Harry run into the street and stop in the middle of it, watching your car disappear into the night. Tears continued to cloud your eyes. You drove a couple of blocks down the street and pulled over. You buried your face in your hands, resting on the steering wheel. You start to sob. How could he? you wonder. After sitting on the curb of the road for thrifty minutes, you start to drive home. - You wake up and got turn on the T.V. The memory of what happened last night with Harry still lingers in the back of your mind. The T.V. was on E! and they were interviewing One Direction, live. You watched as they asked questions. The camera fell on Harry. The sting of tears built in your eyes. You shook your head and the pain was gone. You continued to watch the interview, even though it killed you inside. Harry took the microphone. “Can I just say something really quick before we continue?” he asked. The interviewer nodded. "Thanks," Harry muttered. He turned and faced the camera. He looked directly into it and you could see tears reflecting the lights in his eyes. "I just have to say I’m really sorry to, [Y/N]," he started. "Marina, you’re one of the sweetest and kindest people I’ve ever met. I missed you everyday you were gone. I cried because I missed you so much." The camera switched angles and you could see Louis sitting there nodding his head, confirming it was true. "I’m sorry I hurt you. I just needed to keep myself from thinking about you." Harry took a deep breath and wipe his eyes. "I’m sorry," he continued. "I didn’t mean to hurt you. I love you and I hope you can forgive me." You quickly shut off the T.V. Tears built in your eyes. He did that on live television for me? you thought. You got up and walked to the kitchen. Your phone buzzed. You looked to see a text from Harry. You opened the message. Had an interview and I mentioned you. Don’t know if you saw it. Sorry if I embarrassed you. I just needed to get that off my chest. - H x You smiled at the message and replied; How do you expect your biggest fan to miss an interview with you?xx ~M ~RamaStyles~
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:50:14 +0000

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