imdb/title/tt1877832/?ref_=hm_otw_tt1 . . In the 80s-90s, - TopicsExpress


imdb/title/tt1877832/?ref_=hm_otw_tt1 . . In the 80s-90s, Superheroes who can fly or fight crime dressed as bat or who sling webs & do stuffs impossible were so dependable that when Bryan Singer created&showed a world of mutants in early 2000, it was both fascinating & enriching, comprising of compelling,cool characters so much that we, audiences were hooked-in on the same level as newborn babies.Personally I consider X2 : XMen United as the best X-men movie in the whole franchise coz it has crackling story & strong motivational background & edible action woven so wonderfully that its really tough to ace that, although the 2011s revised prequel with new set of actors comes a close 2nd but after the average third part (yes, i consider XMen : The last stand averagely entertaining although others feel it to be plain bad), This movie rejuvenates the X-men saga by leaps & bounds. Taking a leaf out of The Terminator series of time-travelling into the past to change the bleak future, Bryan Singer hits a masterstroke by combining the old & new cast & bringing them into a Hail-Mary situation.The prologue pretty much kick-starts with high octane action set in the dystopian world where The Sentinel robots (looks a bit similar to the Destroyer in 2011s Thor) are ruling the world & terminating mutants & humans alike, the stage is set for a almost impossible but definite mission to be undertaken.Changing the original comic-book story arc of sending Kitty Pryde into the past,in XMen : DOFP, Singer has a blast (literally) by twisting & changing the story,sending Wolverine (using Kittys power) instead into the past & creating a new chain of events to stop a probable assassination by rally-in help of younger Prof.Xavier & Magneto. The time-travel mission itself turns out to be more than difficult with unexpected twists & obstacles & improvised methods to tackle them to alter history. Always at comfort while making X-men movies, Singer here is in fine form. After last few mis-steps as director,he doesnt stages full-blown action sequences to squeeze in audiences attention, instead, he along with his co-writers bring in a urgency & an impending doom hanging on the heads of the key characters with a brisk paced story to the fore.The action sequences are all packed in but it gels well with the story & looks coherent enough.Its a world which Singer created & best understands & must say, he really developed an interesting scenario here (the Vietnam war, JFK assassination event & its aftermath, the bullet-bending phenomenon & Nixon cameo) It wud be wise for new audiences to visit the earlier X-men movies to really understand the characters & their history. Performance-wise, both Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellen get respectable roles & they bring in their thespian credibilities to the respective parts. Michael Fassbender who was mind-blowing in XMen :First class is consistently remarkable here but changes into a one-note character towards the latter half. James McAvoy (who was equally terrific in First class & almost in every movie of his,i have seen) is amazing in the most difficult role in the movie, initially, weak, angst-ridden & yet helpful & more focused towards the end, he really is the soul of the movie, this time & he performs with maturity of a veteran. The chemistry & interactions between McAvoy & Fassbender is still as good & interesting as it was in First Class.Jennifer Lawrence gets a better role than her past outing as Mystique & she too nails the character aptly,considering she is valuable key to the whole mission to succeed & the gal can sure pack more punches & rotating kicks than you can count.Hugh Jackman is Wolverine. The humor surrounding Jackman is present here as always. He wears the role like a second skin NOW & although he takes a back seat in the scheme of the story yet his presence & charisma towers over the others(i have already forgiven him for the Dud & snoozefest The Wolverine). Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage gets a cliched role & although you wish he had gotten a better part, still the actor does it with good enough conviction. There are minor nit-picks though in a otherwise enjoyable & engaging movie.The 3D as usual with 3D converted movies wasnt up to the mark (Why 3D is still necessary in every regular movie is my big question to the studio-heads?), the cinematography from Singers frequent collaborator Newton Thomas Sigel isnt as appealing as their previous works. Lot of new mutant characters (like Bishop, Colossus, Blink, Warpath, Sunspot) are introduced but they are used more like Fighting crusaders in action-fest than as actual characters & Singer does the cardinal sin of turning Halle Berrys Wonderful mutant-Storm into a ornamental prop. But these are small blemishes which fan-boys & other audiences can forget/forgive, coz the best thing in the movie is a beyond delightful & Wolf-whistles commanding cameo by Evan Peters Quicksilver. Singer needs to be applauded for using Quicksilver very intelligently in the best sequence in the whole movie, although i wished he cud have been used a bit more by Singer in the movie ...Only this Quicksilver scene in itself demands multiple viewings & a hope that Joss Whedon does something half as exciting in his Avengers sequel. The Post-Credit sequence is a tricky one for non-comic book fans but it highlights somebody important & a future antagonist of next X-men Movie (No spoiler) Overall an blockbuster movie in its true-st form & X-men movie, we can feel truly proud of as comic-book fans & cine-buffs. & Just One line to sum it up - Welcome Back, Bryan Singer :)
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 04:35:49 +0000

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