in Satsang today A King doesn’t have any friends and a Saint - TopicsExpress


in Satsang today A King doesn’t have any friends and a Saint has no enemies. Having friends is a loss for the King and having enemies is harmful for a Saint. If a King has friends then favouritism comes in. So you should not go too close to a King and not go far from a Saint. The one who goes close to a King will stand to lose and the one who goes away from a Saint will also stand to lose. If a King has friends there will be no justice, equality to all. Don’t see too much meaning in every little thing. Then you are not living life, you are simply stuck in concepts and ideas. You should just let go. Not to find a cause, reason behind everything. Because your understanding is very limited. As we grow our understanding changes, our mind changes, our perception changes. So with whatever level of perception you have now, you analyze too much and you get stuck to that particular perception, again you are unable to let go. As your perception changes, your holding on to old paradigms. Not analyzing at all is no good, but too much analysis is also no good. Ques: Even if I give my 100% and it doesn’t happen, what do I do? #SriSri: Know something better is in store for you, so move on. Keep moving. Ques: My 14 yr old son is very stubborn. I shout at him but then feel guilty about it. #SriSri: That’s fine there is nothing wrong in it. Father and mother at times they will get angry, they should get angry, that is natural. Ques: If there any word or sentence that can used for all age groups and at all occasions #SriSri: (Someone shouts “Jai Gurudev!” in the audience) She has said, “Jai Gurudev”. That’s a good thing to say at any time for anything! Good morning, good night, welcome, goodbye.. for everything you can say it.. When things happen then you say “Jai Gurudev”, when things don’t happen then also you can say “Om Namah Shivayah” or “Jai Gurudev”, but the tone of “Om Namah Shivayah” says everything! Ques: You said that you create confusion in devotees and make them grow. But I am 69 yrs old, I will die with Karpanya Dosha (weakness of heart) if you don’t answer my question of Yoga Vasishtha! #SriSri: If you have read Yoga Vasishtha, you’ll know that you will never die! How can you say you will die? You will never die. Read it again (laughs). Ques: Please explain the significance of Shayana Pradakshina (lying and rolling) #SriSri: If your head is filled with too many thoughts, just lie down a floor and keep rolling. You will something happens when you roll, something happens in your body. When circulation improves, mind also feels better. This is a good place to do Shyana Pradakshina (pointing to Amphitheater stage). Move from here to there, there to here, experience for yourself, how there is a change in your mind. I used to make people do it in some of the courses in the olden days. People would roll down the hill. In Canada there used to be a grass hill.. go to the top of the hillock, it was very safe as there were no stones or anything around. It’s all lawn all the way, only grass. So everybody would lie down and roll down. So the fear, anxiety, all these would collapse. All will go away. Ques: I am not able to accept the killing of lakhs of people by terrorists. #SriSri: Yes this is a big problem in the world.. that is why the Gita is relevant. It never says if they slap show the other cheek and just accept it, no. Gita says if he slaps you, you take your bow and arrow and shoot him right there. But not with vengeance or with hatred but with calmness, with the intention of teaching a lesson to that person. That’s why Krishna said, go and fight with the evil, established in yoga. Ques: everything in creation is vibrations. As a liberated Saint how do you see everything vibrating? #SriSri: yes the whole universe is nothing but vibrations, wave functions. Particles don’t exist, things don’t exist. Everything is just waves. That’s why everything is made up of just one thing. That’s what is there in Yoga Vasishtha, Ashtavakra Gita,Vedanta – the whole universe is made up of just one thing. Ques: Is the food, lifestyle, friends shape the habits and character of a person, then what is the way out? #SriSri: Not very much, to some extent. They can all influence you to some extent only. Ques: if the sole purpose of life is liberation, then why do we take birth and fall into the cycle of karma in the first place? #SriSri: to have some fun and give me some job and you too! There could be many such questions like if the water has to come down through rains then it is better that it stays in the ground? Why should trees shed all their leaves and then come back again with new leaves? Within six months, they come up again with leaves, right? Ques:Why do some animals not have a natural death? Why do people kill them? #SriSri: Yes that’s wrong, I don’t approve of people killing any animals.. Have you seen many migratory birds have arrived in the Ashram? Lot of storks and pelicans. Lots of them in the lake. First time so many of them have come. They like a good environment.. birds have arrived here, that’s very good. Ques: I get a lot of recognition and reverence from people outside. At home I don’t get the same. #SriSri: You give comfort to people. Don’t question them and don’t expect that sort of comfort from them. We should not expect people at home to sweet talk you all the time, give you pep talks. Life is like that. Couple of days you get angry, couple of days you are happy, you laugh, you cry, you smile, exhibit all emotions. This is all a normal phenomenon. Just don’t sit and worry about it, there are so many other things you can do. No point in wasting time trying to change people at home.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:22:25 +0000

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