... in Texas.this is gonna be the film of the year....... - TopicsExpress


... in Texas.this is gonna be the film of the year....... Something similar to this happened to in Texas. I dont remember which city it was. not this dangerous. I got lost in the middle of the night and my girlfriend was at the hotel. And I went out on the town because she was sleeping. And I wasnt tired. And some strange things happened. I went to this nightclub. And when I was leaving this Caucasian guy and his girlfriend come up to me when I was walking to the rental car and they said, wheres my car. And I said, when he mean. And they said I gave you, or when your friends. The keys from my car to valet park it and now my cars gone. This was a big nightclub. Sort of a Mexican country bar where they played rock music. I dont know how to describe just a regular nightclub, but it was a huge club. But not like dance music. Regular rock music. And I said, I dont know where your car is. I said thats my car right there. Its a rental car. And I dont work here and in the Saying over and over again. Look, I know you nor my car is. And they were just regular white people thinking that I was involved in a cars left ring because they thought I was Mexican. And the valleys who I saw were Latin Americans.and they said, look, listen to my accent. Im Canadian and Im a tourist. And I sent him the leave and what you should do is going to the club and phone the police and report your car stolen. Go do that right now. And they said okay and then they went to the club and I left. Then I went the wrong way on the highway. So, instead heading towards town to the hotel I went in the wrong direction and there was no offramp for about 30 minutes. So then finally I turned around I start heading back and Im getting tired so the speed limits like 70 miles an hour something and I was going about 90. And then the cops pull me over. And they grab me out of the car . They didnt ask me any questions or anything. They said step out of the car and I was as I was getting out. They grab me and the guy pulled me around the front of the car and threw me on the hood. Any sin why are you driving so fast and I said, look, Im a Canadian tourist and I got lost and I started getting tired and my girlfriends waiting for me at my hotel and shes a tourist to and I said the same thing. Listen to my accent, Im Canadian.and they said you seem drunk you been drinking a lot. And I said I had a few drinks. And then they put me in the police car. and they put me in the police car and handcuffed me. they took me to the police station and they talk to me about wallows in the backseat and I kept saying, you can phone my hotel to confirm that Im a tourist and talk to my girlfriend. And then eventually they let me go. And then I took a cab back to the hotel. After I first told them I was a Canadian tourist. I guess they checked my identification. I cant remember. And then they started being nice to me. But what if I wasnt a Canadian tourist and I was Mexican American. I dont think they wouldve been nice to me they when it continued after throwing me on the hood whatever they were doing. And all I was doing was speeding. On the highway. But it probably looks suspicious. But it was just because I drove so far. I got tired. I was drinking and I was so far away from the city. Because I turned the wrong way. I explained that to them, and they believe me after they found out I was a Canadian tourist... But I was really surprised that they pulled me kind of out of the car and this was 25 years ago... I think this was either in Austin Texas or San Antonio or El Paso. I cant remember. It was such a long time ago. But Im sure it was Texas... I know it wasnt Houston or Dallas... #occupyWallStreet. #Ferguson I know why the police did that to me. But I was just lucky I was Canadian. And I I can prove it with my accent, and then with identification. If I had a Mexican accent and I said I was Canadian. I dont think they would got to my ID for another 10 or 15 minutes. Or I wouldnt have had any leverage. It was my accent that got me off the hood of the car. If that would happen in Canada and I was speeding like that. Anywhere in Canada, at that time, the police would adjust me the siren combing all over. They would ask me what Im doing through the window and I wouldve told them. And they would sit okay, heres a ticket and Dont do that again and have a nice holiday. Or they wouldve said look, you look like youve been drinking too much and we need to take a breathalyzer. Can you step out of the car. Because I had been pulled over before, back in those days. In Canada. Things are probably a lot rougher todayin Canada. But the whole mentality of everything is different in Canada than the United States. But all of this has to do with Hollywood criminalizing the public. And making police scared of the public. Because Hollywood endorses them committing crimes. Like Jay-Z and Beyoncé , Robert Rodriguez, and a lot of other television shows and Eminem.. They all endorse space or tell people to commit crimes on the public to commit crimes on the police . #ChristinaAguilera. I remember her Cv and I stopped talking to her, `when she released them.because that demented song really cause a lot of murders and killings. Sandy Hook elementary shootings were all because of Christina angularity CD and she said all of that up to pissing me off tricking me because of things I was saying about her on twitter. She made that video that demented video and song to take revenge on me as I was saying about her on twitter. In 2011. They were in contact with me. Her entire staff from the voice and her other site. And her Facebook site. They were talking to me. And she was trying to sign me to a record contract. I didnt know what the voice was at that time II didnt know was a TV show.I thought it was a radio station that was playing her music and her face was the advertisement for the radio station...
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:41:30 +0000

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