in a couple of hours, the sun will go down for the last time in - TopicsExpress


in a couple of hours, the sun will go down for the last time in 2014. as i soak in the glorious weather, the events of this year flash through my mind. its mostly been bittersweet, but one that has shown me just how calm and resilient i am in the face of adversity. this year, i said goodbye to my old career in advertising and marketing - turning down a lucrative overseas job offer by an old employer. although i know i am good at it, something in me has softened and i dont have the kill factor anymore - one that is essential for this field. early this year, i started working in aged care, and it is the most rewarding job i have ever done. to top it off, my employer obtained a traineeship for me from SilverChain so I could pursue a double Cert 111 in Aged Care & Community Care. you know you are with the right employer when they look into your eyes, see your passion and proceed to help you develop more skills, in order to thrive in that field. my year was going so well! in June, there was a wedding in the family which gave me an excuse to return to Malaysia. after coming back to Perth, i took my three boys and my angel Kaveen, back to KL within the next two weeks. with the warm hospitality and generosity of my family, the boys got to go to Legoland in Johor as well as Universal Studios in Singapore. we were all pretty sick with Influenza B by the time we got back to KL but my big sis nursed us and made sure we returned to Perth in one piece šŸ˜˜ from that point onwards, lots of good and sad things happened in our lives. this year has seen three Malaysian aircraft disasters. we always think it will never happen to us, but on July 18, after celebrating Rays birthday the night before, we awoke to the shattering news that one of our old friends, her hubby and toddler were onboard MH17. i slipped into depression - just couldnt come to terms with what happened as Shuba and i had spoken not too long back. her last words to me constantly rang in my head and i lost sleep and along with that, my sanity. my dear friends from KL and Myanmar watched me like a hawk from such a distance, constantly checking up on me - begging me to return. i did, eventually - for Shuba, Paul and Kaelas funeral. it was the hardest thing i have ever had to do. i recall a lady seated across the aisle from me, clutching at the beads of her rosary and frantically praying as we took off. i recall fighting back my own tears and putting on a brave face to ask her if she would like me to sit next to her. in my mind i was thinking, if only you knew why i am going to KL. when i listened to Sals eulogy at the wake, i thought of Shuba, her dreams, her vision and above all, her love for life. she was a person who cramped so much into her life - as though she knew her journey here would come to an end before ours :( at her grave, i made a promise to her. her sister is now my sister and i will always watch over Kartini and guide her like an older sister if and when she comes to me for help. i returned to Perth with a burning desire to do my best for everyone, every single day and to tell those in my world how much they mean to me, while they can hear me say it - who knows which one of us will depart first! i want to be the best i can be. if i am made use of because of my goodness, so be it. at the end of the day, we are all walking our own path in this journey called life. all relationships are temporary, so theres no point making demands and clutching onto people or material things when we are going to leave empty-handed. i have no resolutions for 2015 except to continue being the way i am, doing my best for myself, my children and my loved ones -unaffected by the negativity around me. to my Liverpool family, thank you for being in my life - you guys truly mean it when you say Youll Never Walk Alone. i truly appreciate your support. to my childhood, college, uni and KL friends, thank you for always injecting humour into my life - I miss you guys so much!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 09:38:58 +0000

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