in a nation of rebels combined with the other half being ignorant - TopicsExpress


in a nation of rebels combined with the other half being ignorant of most things unrelated to their job, family or any type of policy...people are simply ignoring the president, his cabinet or other agencies. what are they going to do...arrest a nation or even just a large chunk of a city that refuses to register their guns? many people have known for years that our current president is unworthy of being trusted for not looking out for the best interests of a large portion of its citizens, so theyve taken to looking out for their own; while still following the laws that they know are valid and prescribed for all in the u.s. constitution. laws that the president took an oath and swore to uphold but instead ignores and blatantly violates with disregard. now, because of his own doings, millions of americans have refused to sign up for obamacare. theyre just not going to do it. so what does he do? he does exactly what ted cruz filibustered to have him do. he has once again delayed the law in a brazen and shameful attempt to save democrats up for election in 2014 and 2016. guess what president and your liberal partners in crime will be ignored then too. what are you going to do...arrest 320 million people minus a few who dont have jobs to pay taxes and support the illegal law anyway? youre done...give up. or, just keep trying and see how far that gets you. whoever brought you here should have warned you that your toothy smile would only last for so long.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 04:53:40 +0000

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