in case it cant be read: Weve gotten some real doozies lately, and - TopicsExpress


in case it cant be read: Weve gotten some real doozies lately, and each one is more mind-boggling than the last. * The FAA stopped flights to Israel for the time being, citing safety concerns. Well, to these eyes, a US administration that uses the IRS to bully opponents and harass Israel-related charities would have no problem using the FAA to strong-arm Israel into doing its bidding. * A world that considers Hamas rockets harmless firecrackers suddenly panics when these rockets endanger *their* planes and passengers. (Never mind the residents of Israel ... after all, theyre only Jews.) And at the same time, they have no problem flying to Ukraine. * Flights are diverted from Tel Aviv to Paris. Do I have to point out the sheer absurdity of that? Hint: RIOTS. * And speaking of riots: Does anybody still labor under the delusion that being anti-Israel is not antisemitic? Another hint: It wasnt the Israeli embassy that was attacked in Paris. * The sheer size and scope of the Hamas engineering project is enough to cause an existential threat to Israel not seen since 1948 and just as bad as Irans bomb. This is your money at work, ladies and gentlemen - your taxes, transmogrified into US and EU aid. Delivered and distributed by that august, unbiased arbiter of world peace ... the UN. * And to the morally equivocating phonies who compare it to the aid Israel receives: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS? Aid to Israel supports business, medical, and scientific advances that benefit the whole world - NOT just the military (and the military aid requires that the aid dollars be spent in the US, thus keeping many Americans employed). Aid to Gaza purchases armaments to kill civilian and materials to build tunnels (another hint: THESE ARMAMENTS ARENT FOR DEFENSE, AND THESE TUNNELS ARENT FOR COMMUTING). Which do YOU prefer? * The glee and venom with which otherwise rational people jump down Israels throat for daring to defend itself - and the concurrent DEAFENING SILENCE when it comes to far worse atrocities being committed throughout the world without any regard for collateral damage - are SICK and HYPOCRITICAL. Even more so when said otherwise rational people are Jewish. ... anything else?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:55:15 +0000

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